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Sorting an sql table with a drop down menu


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Hello, I am new here and making a web page to display player stats from a video game. That stats are inputted with MySQL, and have everything set up when it comes to connecting to the database and displaying the results. What I want to add now, is to have a drop down menu that sorts the table based on certain criteria. (the default is sorting by kills, but also want by name, deaths, etc.) I been trying to figure it out but with no luck. What I did was make a drop down menu and a submit button that posted one of the selected variables which equated to that sort statement...but nothing happens it just keeps on showing the default query. Here is the page:http://steven.branzone.com/legions.phpHere is the code without the drop-down menu and submit button:

<html><head><style type="text/css">body {background-image:url('legions.jpg');} body {color:white;}table{width:50%;}</style></head><body> <?php$conn = mysql_connect('XXX', 'XXX', 'XXX');mysql_select_db("stevenbr_legions", $conn);$resultall = mysql_query("SELECT * From stats ORDER BY 'kills'");?><table border="1" align="center"><tr><td>Name</td><td>Kills</td><td>Deaths</td><td>Score</td><td>Games</td></tr><?phpwhile($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultall))  {$name = $row['name'];$kills =  $row['kills'];$deaths = $row['deaths'];$score =  $row['score'];$games =  $row['games'];  echo "<tr><td>$name</td><td>$kills</td><td>$deaths</td><td>$score</td><td>$games</td>";		}?></body></html>

Thanks for the help.

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Well, what does the drop down look like? And how are you handling it?I would do something like:

<form method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]; ?>"><select name="sort"><option value="kills" selected="selected" name="kills">kills</option><option value="name" name="name">name</option><option value="death" name="death">death</option><option value="score" name="score">score</option><option value="games" name="games">games</option></select><input type="submit" value="order"></form>

Which will post the page to itself. Then add this to the PHP already on the page, before the query, obviously:

if(isset($_POST["sort"])) {$sort = mysqli_real_escape_string($conn, $_POST["sort"]);}$order = isset($sort)?$sort:"kills";

And the query becomes:

$resultall = mysql_query("SELECT * From stats ORDER BY $order");

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Got it working, thanks for the help!

($conn, $_POST["sort"])

This was backwards, the $conn had to be second and the _POST first. (took me awhile to figure out why it was giving me an error for that) One more thing, is there a way to make it where the drop down menu doesn't go back to the default first option (kills) after you click on an option and sort?

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because the page is reloaded and the kills are <option value="kills" selected="selected" name="kills">kills</option> are by default selected' this will always happen.php solution: create option values dynamically from within array, or database table, echo these as options in the dropdown list, then when the current array/table value equals that of the posted value, assign the 'selected' attribute.javascript DOM: search through all options values, if value equals posted value assign 'selected' attribute.

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