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Aligning one thing with another


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Hi, all.So... I have a <div> at the top of my page that has an banner in it (which is currently aligned with the left edge of the page), and then I have another div below that that contains a table with all of the content of the page such as the navigation bar. The navigation bar is a series of images that goes from left to right. The first image, as well as the others in the navigation bar, are aligned to the center of their respective <td>. The containing <table> is aligned to the center of it's <div>. I would like for the top <div> containing the banner to be aligned with the first image in the navigation bar, and not the left edge of the page. Is there a way that I can reference that image in the navigation bar using CSS and align that top div with it?I always feel that I am not sure how to explain my problem using words so please excuse me if the way I explained this seems too confusing or long winded!Yours,Chris

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there are several ways to do this, but in most cases you would have to make the banner container the same width of table, and with margin set as margin: 0 auto; then insert it inside another div, OR inside the div containing the table.

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