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trying to list price categories in xml, the bound attribute groups and their attribute values


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hi again, struggling a bit to wrap my head around this one - the following function was created:

function getrecords() {	$sql = "SELECT 			14_pricecategories.bigint_CategoryID, 			14_pricecategories.text_CategoryDescription, 			14_pricecategories.bigint_CategoryPrice, 			2_servicescatalogue.bigint_ServiceID, 			2_servicescatalogue.text_ServiceDescription 		FROM 			14_pricecategories 			LEFT JOIN (				2_servicescatalogue			) 			ON (				14_pricecategories.bigint_ServiceID 				= 				2_servicescatalogue.bigint_ServiceID			) 		ORDER BY 			14_pricecategories.text_CategoryDescription 		ASC;";	$result = mysql_query_errors($sql , $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , false);	if ($result) {		while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {			echo "	<pricecat>\n";			echo "		<catid>".$row["bigint_CategoryID"]."</catid>\n";			echo "		<svcid>".$row["bigint_ServiceID"]."</svcid>\n";			echo "		<catdesc>".				xmlentities($row["text_CategoryDescription"])."</catdesc>\n";			echo "		<catprice>".$row["bigint_CategoryPrice"].				"</catprice>\n";			$sql0 = "SELECT 					16_attributegroupings.bigint_ServiceID, 					16_attributegroupings.bigint_CategoryID, 					16_attributegroupings.bigint_GroupID, 					3_serviceattributes.bigint_AttributeID, 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription 				FROM 					16_attributegroupings 				LEFT JOIN (					3_serviceattributes				) 				ON (					16_attributegroupings.bigint_AttributeKeyID 					= 					3_serviceattributes.bigint_AttributeID				) 				WHERE 					16_attributegroupings.						bigint_ServiceID = 					".$GLOBALS["[b]service[/b]"]." AND 					16_attributegroupings.					bigint_CategoryID = 					".$row["[b]biginit_CategoryID[/b]"]." 				ORDER BY 					3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeDescription 				ASC;";			$result0 = mysql_query_errors($sql0 , $conn , __FILE__ , 					__LINE__ , false);			if ($result0) {				while ($row0 = mysql_fetch_array($result0)) {					echo "		<catgroup id=\"".						$row0["bigint_GroupID"]."\" desc=\"".						$row0["text_AttributeDescription"].						"\" val=\"".$row0["text_AttributeValue"].						"\">\n";					$sql1 = "SELECT 							15_validcombinations.bigint_ServiceID, 							15_validcombinations.bigint_CombinationID, 							15_validcombinations.bigint_CategoryID, 							15_validcombinations.bigint_GroupID, 							3_serviceattributes.bigint_AttributeID, 							3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue 						FROM 							15_validcombinations 						LEFT JOIN (							3_serviceattributes						) 						ON (							15_validcombinations.								bigint_AttributeValueID 							= 							3_serviceattributes.								bigint_AttributeID						) 						WHERE 							15_validcombinations.								bigint_ServiceID 							= 							".$GLOBALS["[b]service[/b]"]." AND 							15_validcombinations.								bigint_CategoryID 							= 							".$row0["[b]biginit_CategoryID[/b]"]." AND 							15_validcombinations.								bigint_GroupID 							= 							".$row0["bigint_GroupID"]." 						ORDER BY 							3_serviceattributes.text_AttributeValue 						ASC;";					$result1 = mysql_query_errors($sql1 , $conn , __FILE__ , 							__LINE__ , false);					if ($result1) {						while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($result1)) {							echo "			<validattr id=\"".								$row1["bigint_CombinationID"].								"\" value=\"".								$row1["text_AttributeValue"].								"\"/>\n";						}					}					echo "		</catgroup>\n";				}				mysql_free_result($result0);			}			echo "	</pricecat>\n";		}		mysql_free_result($result);	}}

running the sql queries in pma, they get the valid values they are supposed to have. a testing group, and the second select statement the values of that group. however in php they are not displayed? 0oi will need to figure out what the values are that are being parsed.

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the values passed are valid, both service id 1 and category id 1 same as used in the test for the second mysql query, the third query being skipped due to no loop.

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[b]bigint_ServiceID 	bigint_CategoryID 	bigint_GroupID[/b]1			1			1[b]bigint_AttributeID	text_AttributeDescription[/b]1			canopy_req

is returned by the second query tested with the values returned from the first and

[b]bigint_ServiceID	bigint_CombinationID	bigint_CategoryID	bigint_GroupID[/b]1			1			1			11			2			1			1[b]bigint_AttributeID	text_AttributeValue[/b]1			new_white12			pre-owned_colour_coded

is returned by the third query tested with the values returned from the second query.

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i hear what you are saying, but i need to test something else first. you will notice some bold code in the function, these contain typos:


should be




should be


getting that variable then would be $GLOBALS["conn"], right?

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actually it is for some reason - it works now and outputs the following xml:

	<pricecat>		<catid>1</catid>		<svcid>1</svcid>		<catdesc>Category A</catdesc>		<catprice>20</catprice>		<catgroup id="1" desc="canopy_req" val="">			<validattr id="1" value="new_white"/>			<validattr id="2" value="pre-owned_colour_coded"/>		</catgroup>	</pricecat>

:)i guess it has something to do with global variables being turned on?

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issue resolved ^^

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