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Password Protection Script


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Hey,I've got this php script (link here.)Quick summary of script:- I use a php include statement to include the script into any page I want password protected.- When a user loads this page, the script displays a page I make prompting for a password that I set.- Upon processing of a correctly entered password, the script then displays the page it's been included in originally.- To prevent multiple password entries for a user during the same visit, a cookie is set.It accepts the password and displays the page, but with 1 error:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at C:\Program Files\Xampp\htdocs\Sites\Martins Fails\Martin's Fails 2.0\index.php:1) in C:\Program Files\Xampp\htdocs\Sites\Martins Fails\Martin's Fails 2.0\php\includes\password_protect.php on line 154
The same exact script works fine for another site of mine, but for this one, it's just that error. I can "hide" the error by using "@include" instead of just "include", but every time a user clicks "Home" they're prompted for the password again.My "password_protect.php" script:
<?php################################################################ Page Password Protect 2.13################################################################ Visit http://www.zubrag.com/scripts/ for updates############################################################### ## Usage:# Set usernames / passwords below between SETTINGS START and SETTINGS END.# Open it in browser with "help" parameter to get the code# to add to all files being protected. #	Example: password_protect.php?help# Include protection string which it gave you into every file that needs to be protected## Add following HTML code to your page where you want to have logout link# <a href="http://www.example.com/path/to/protected/page.php?logout=1">Logout</a>################################################################/*-------------------------------------------------------------------SAMPLE if you only want to request login and password on login form.Each row represents different user.$LOGIN_INFORMATION = array(  'zubrag' => 'root',  'test' => 'testpass',  'admin' => 'passwd');--------------------------------------------------------------------SAMPLE if you only want to request only password on login form.Note: only passwords are listed$LOGIN_INFORMATION = array(  'root',  'testpass',  'passwd');--------------------------------------------------------------------*/###################################################################  SETTINGS START##################################################################// Add login/password pairs below, like described above// NOTE: all rows except last must have comma "," at the end of line$LOGIN_INFORMATION = array(  'fbgm',);// request login? true - show login and password boxes, false - password box onlydefine('USE_USERNAME', false);// User will be redirected to this page after logoutdefine('LOGOUT_URL', 'http://www.google.com/');// time out after NN minutes of inactivity. Set to 0 to not timeoutdefine('TIMEOUT_MINUTES', 2);// This parameter is only useful when TIMEOUT_MINUTES is not zero// true - timeout time from last activity, false - timeout time from logindefine('TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY', true);###################################################################  SETTINGS END##################################################################///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// do not change code below///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// show usage exampleif(isset($_GET['help'])) {  die('Include following code into every page you would like to protect, at the very beginning (first line):<br><?php include("' . str_replace('\\','\\\\',__FILE__) . '"); ?>');}// timeout in seconds$timeout = (TIMEOUT_MINUTES == 0 ? 0 : time() + TIMEOUT_MINUTES * 60);// logout?if(isset($_GET['logout'])) {  setcookie("verify", '', $timeout, '/'); // clear password;  header('Location: ' . LOGOUT_URL);  exit();}if(!function_exists('showLoginPasswordProtect')) {// show login formfunction showLoginPasswordProtect($error_msg) {?><html>  <head>  <META HTTP-EQUIV='CACHE-CONTROL' CONTENT='NO-CACHE'>  <META HTTP-EQUIV='PRAGMA' CONTENT='NO-CACHE'>  <title>Martin's Fails | Enter Password</title>  <link rel='shortcut icon' href='favicon.ico'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/general.css'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/divs.css'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/menu.css'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/links.css'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/content.css'>  <link rel='stylesheet' href='css/password.css'>  </head>  <body id='password'>	<div id='bar'></div>	  <div id='wrapper'>		<div id='pageTop'>	  <header>		<div id='head'>		  <img src='img/logo.jpg' alt='Martins Fails.'>		</div><!--head-->		  </header>		</div><!--pageTop-->				<div id='content'>		  <div id='passContain'>		   <form method='post' action=''>			 <h1>Enter Password:</h1>			 <font color='red'><?php echo $error_msg; ?></font>			 <br />			 <?php if (USE_USERNAME) echo 'Login:<br /><input type="input" name="access_login" /><br />Password:<br />'; ?>			 <input type='password' name='access_password' size='18' />			<input type='submit' name='Submit' value='Submit' />		   </form>		  </div><!--passContain-->		 </div><!--content-->	  </div><!--wrapper-->  </body></html><?php  // stop at this point  die();}}// user provided passwordif (isset($_POST['access_password'])) {  $login = isset($_POST['access_login']) ? $_POST['access_login'] : '';  $pass = $_POST['access_password'];  if (!USE_USERNAME && !in_array($pass, $LOGIN_INFORMATION)  || (USE_USERNAME && ( !array_key_exists($login, $LOGIN_INFORMATION) || $LOGIN_INFORMATION[$login] != $pass ) )   ) {	showLoginPasswordProtect("Incorrect password.");  }  else {	// set cookie if password was validated	setcookie("verify", md5($login.'%'.$pass), $timeout, '/');		// Some programs (like Form1 Bilder) check $_POST array to see if parameters passed	// So need to clear password protector variables	unset($_POST['access_login']);	unset($_POST['access_password']);	unset($_POST['Submit']);  }}else {  // check if password cookie is set  if (!isset($_COOKIE['verify'])) {	showLoginPasswordProtect("");  }  // check if cookie is good  $found = false;  foreach($LOGIN_INFORMATION as $key=>$val) {	$lp = (USE_USERNAME ? $key : '') .'%'.$val;	if ($_COOKIE['verify'] == md5($lp)) {	  $found = true;	  // prolong timeout	  if (TIMEOUT_CHECK_ACTIVITY) {		setcookie("verify", md5($lp), $timeout, '/');	  }	  break;	}  }  if (!$found) {	showLoginPasswordProtect("");  }}?>

The page it's included in:

<?php include('php/includes/password_protect.php'); ?><!DOCTYPE html><html lang='en'><head><title>Martin's Fails.</title><link rel='shortcut icon' href='favicon.ico'><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/general.css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/divs.css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/menu.css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/links.css'><link rel='stylesheet' href='css/content.css'><meta type='keywords' value='KEYWORDS HERE,KEYWORDS HERE,KEYWORDS HERE,KEYWORDS HERE,KEYWORDS HERE'><!--is that the right syntax?--><meta content='text/html; charset=utf-8'></head><body id='index'>	<div id='bar'></div>	<div id='wrapper'>		<?php include('php/includes/headNav.php'); ?>		<div id='content'>			<h1>Martin's Fails.</h1>			<p class='home'>				Whether you work there or have worked there, whether you shop there or have shopped there, undoubtedly you've come accross something which you didn't like.			</p>			<p class='homeBig'>				<span class='under'>This</span> is the time and place to voice those opinions and concerns.			</p>		</div><!--content-->	</div><!--wrapper-->	<div id='feedback'>		<a href='form_feedback.php'><img src='img/feedback.png' alt='Feedback'></a>	</div><!--feedback--></body></html>

Any help would be greatly appreciated!Thanks!- K

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This error is nearly always caused by the same thing: something is being sent to the browser prematurely, before a cookie is set or a header is sent. Even a single space or non-printing character will cause this. This is frequently a problem with included files, since there is often something output to the browser before the file is included (intentionally or unintentionally).

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