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report function


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hey friends , this is the code which is making the report function work in a script ...

elseif($action == 'report') { if(!$reportpost) { showmessage('thread_report_disabled'); } if(!$discuz_uid) { showmessage('not_loggedin', NULL, 'HALTED'); } if(!$thread || !is_numeric($pid)) { showmessage('undefined_action', NULL, 'HALTED'); } $discuz_action = 123; $floodctrl = $floodctrl * 3; if($timestamp - $lastpost < $floodctrl) { showmessage('thread_report_flood_ctrl'); } if(!submitcheck('reportsubmit')) { include template('reportpost'); exit; } else { $posturl = "{$boardurl}viewthread.php?tid=$tid".($page || $pid ? "&page=$page#pid$pid" : NULL); $uids = 0; $adminids = ''; $reportto = array(); if(is_array($to) && count($to)) { if(isset($to[3])) { $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}moderators WHERE fid='$fid'"); while($member = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uids .= ','.$member['uid']; } } if(!$uids || ($reportpost >= 2 && $to[2])) { $adminids .= ',2'; } if($reportpost == 3 && $to[1]) { $adminids .= ',1'; } if($adminids) { $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE adminid IN (".substr($adminids, 1).")"); if(!$db->num_rows($query)) { $query = $db->query("SELECT uid FROM {$tablepre}members WHERE adminid='1'"); } while($member = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $uids .= ','.$member['uid']; } } $query = $db->query("SELECT uid, ignorepm FROM {$tablepre}memberfields WHERE uid IN ($uids)"); while($member = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if(!preg_match("/(^{ALL}$|(,|^)\s*".preg_quote($discuz_user, '/')."\s*(,|$))/i", $member['ignorepm'])) { if(!in_array($member['uid'], $reportto)) { $reportto[] = $member['uid'] && uid==5; } } } if($reportto) { $reason = stripslashes($reason); sendpm(implode(',', $reportto), 'reportpost_subject', 'reportpost_message'); } $db->query("UPDATE {$tablepre}members SET lastpost='$timestamp' WHERE uid='$discuz_uid'"); showmessage('thread_report_succeed', "viewthread.php?tid=$tid"); } else { showmessage('thread_report_invalid'); } }
what i want to do is, when a member clicks the report button the report is sent to only moderators of that particular category/forum. is it possible to make the report to be sent to a separate group along with the moderators of that particular section ?for example there is a group called anti spam squad, i want it such that the report is sent to both the moderators of that particular section and also every member of the group anti spam squad ...thanks :)
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could you make an associate table for moderators and anti spam squads such that when someone hits report, you go through the table of mods and send to those who are mods of that particular sub forum, and then send one to all members of the anti spam squad?

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could you make an associate table for moderators and anti spam squads such that when someone hits report, you go through the table of mods and send to those who are mods of that particular sub forum, and then send one to all members of the anti spam squad?
ya how's that ? sorry i am totally a "NOOB" ... i don't understand anything but basics
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If the script, you included in this thread, is yours just be as specific as possible about your question. If it isn't yours then it will be difficult to ask an informed question. If it's not yours now is as good as time as any to re-write it, make it yours, and get the help you need. It's not nearly as hard as you might think. Just focus on the steps and work on one step at a time.

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