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[Solved]File(like a picture or music) as output


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If you want it to display as an image, then you need to use the right Internet media type. Why do you want such a URL, though? The main motivation for such a system is if your image data is stored in a non-web-accessible location, or apart from the filesystem, e.g. in a database. Then you can select the image data, say using a database query, and print it out. After sending the correct content-type header.

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Put it in a folder that isn't accessible by anyone. Then I think you can just call it in plain html tags using an if-statement

if($isLoggedIn)   //echo the image

Other then that, you can store it with a database or generate it manually. You can even make an image like this-

<img src="membersOnlyImage.php"/>

and membersOnlyImage.php is a generated image that sets the header to "Content-type: image/jpg". This way you can cut out the middle-man (this goes back to generating though). As for a force download-

$filename = "yourfile.txt";	header('Content-type: application/force-download');	header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filename) . '"');	header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');	readfile($filename);

This will automatically start a download.

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Okay.But then, can I have the file in a path where people cannot access it?Example: The web-folder is "/var/www". Can I store the file in "/home/myUser/files/file.name", then make it accessable thrue "/var/www/file.php?get=file.name"?

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You can store entire files in a MySQL database - just use a field of type BLOB (generic binary data).

Example: The web-folder is "/var/www". Can I store the file in "/home/myUser/files/file.name", then make it accessable thrue "/var/www/file.php?get=file.name"?
Yes - just reference the file relative to the system root, e.g.:

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Yes. There is no way around that - but don't worry, there is no performance penalty.

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We've been having a rash of case-and-space problems with headers lately.Admittedly, it is confusing to work with multiple contexts in a single environment. And the HTTP spec really could be updated. But I sense something else is afoot. (Or this may just be a recency fallacy.)

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