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How can I read a number of files into an array


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I have a directory with alot of images with very different names. I would like to read the directory and put the image file names into an array, which I can use with various javascript functions. How can I do this using javascript.I am using an Image object and I would like to read into the Image.src property. An array of objects if you will.

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JavaScript cannot read your directory in a direct way. The closest you can come is to allow directory indexing on your server, use AJAX or an iFrame to get the document returned by http://www.mysite.com/mydirectory/ , and find a way to parse the links. This is totally doable, but kind of a hassle. And who really permits directory listing anymore?ORIf you can live with a static directory, then just copy the file names and write them into a JavaScript array. This is not a good solution if the directory contents are dynamic and you want an automated system.ORThe best thing would be to learn enough PHP to generate a directory listing and write it into your document as a JavaScript array. This wouldn't require very much code at all.In fact, heck, here's something you could use. (Adapted from something I had lying around, but not tested as such.) Change the pathname as needed. If things don't work, View Source in your browser and see what it outputs. What you see should suggest ways to change the PHP.Note: you'll probably have to change your file extension to .php

<script type="text/javascript">   image_array = new Array();<?php   $mydir = 'images';   chdir($mydir);   $ims = glob('*');   $i = 0;   foreach ($ims as $im) {		if (is_file($im) ) {			echo "   image_array[$i] = '$mydir/$im';\n";		}		++$i;	}?></script>

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imagearray = new Array();imgheight = new Array()<?php$imgdir = '../images/';$filename=glob($imgdir."*.gif");   echo 'var pathlength = '.strlen($imgdir).';'."\n";for($i=0;$i<count($filename);$i++){$size=getimagesize($filename[$i]);echo 'imagearray['.$i.']="'.$filename[$i].'";'."\n";echo 'imgheight['.$i.']="'.$size[1].'";'."\n";}?>var x=0;window.onload=function(){prevref=document.getElementById("prev");nextref=document.getElementById("next");prevref.onclick=function(){keeptrack(this)};nextref.onclick=function(){keeptrack(this)};document.getElementById("slideshow").src=imagearray[x];document.getElementById("slideshow").alt=imagearray[x].substr(pathlength);document.getElementById("slideshow").title=imagearray[x].substr(pathlength);document.getElementById("slideshow").style.marginTop=(450-imgheight[x])/2+"px";prevref.disabled=true;}function keeptrack(element)	{	if(element.id == "prev")		{			x--;		}	else		{			x++;		}		changeimg();	}function changeimg(){if(x>0)	{	prevref.disabled=false;	}else	{	prevref.disabled=true;	}if(x>=(imagearray.length-1))	{	nextref.disabled=true;	}else	{	nextref.disabled=false;	}document.getElementById("slideshow").src=imagearray[x];document.getElementById("slideshow").alt=imagearray[x].substr(pathlength);document.getElementById("slideshow").title=imagearray[x].substr(pathlength);document.getElementById("slideshow").style.marginTop=(450-imgheight[x])/2+"px";}


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is there any benefit to this way vs. having PHP return JSON?
JSON's great for AJAX. In fact, the code I stripped my part from originally did generate JSON for an AJAX app. I didn't sense that OP was doing AJAX. It's simple enough to change, though.
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I didn't sense that OP was doing AJAX.
That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure what the "best practice" would be technically be. I imagine handling the directory searching and array creation on one end would be practical and then all Javascript has to do is worry about (error) handling the JSON array.
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