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validator errors are mysterious


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Here's my webpage in question. The CSS validates, but I don't understand some of the HTML validator error messages.document type does not allow element "A" here So it's finding fault with my <a name> tags. Do these not work with a Strict HTML dtd? If not, what sort of dtd should I use?I'm also getting a lot of these: document type does not allow element "DIV" here; missing one of "OBJECT", "MAP", "BUTTON" start-tagIt says the same thing for some of the "UL" and "TABLE" elements. I can't begin to guess how to fix these. I don't see anything wrong with my DIV or UL tags. Can someone please explain?Also, my footer is not rendering. [an error occurred while processing this directive] It's included in the HTML with a <!--#include virtual="/footer.html" --> I have no idea what's causing this problem. I use the exact same code on other pages, and the footer renders fine on those pages.
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It tells you what's wrong with your anchors right in the validator:

document type does not allow element "A" here; missing one of "P", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "PRE", "DIV", "ADDRESS" start-tag
You need to have the anchors (and any text, images, etc. for that matter) within one of the mentioned elements.The division-related errors are occurring because you never close your anchors, and block elements can't occur within anchors. This is a syntactic error, and the anchors should look like this:
<a name="top"></a>

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you also probably find strict, does not allow a inline element to be not within a block element.BAD:<body><a href="mypage.html">mypage</a><span> blah, blah, blah</span></body>GOOD:<body><div><a href="mypage.html">mypage</a></div><p><a href="mypage.html">mypage</a></p><ul><!-- block --><li><a href="mypage.html">mypage</a></li></ul><p><span> blah, blah, blah</span></p></body>

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