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questions about w3 schools


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Hi. I'm curious about attending w3, but I wanted to know a few things about it. I hope you don't mind my questions.I was wondering, is there a time limit to the the w3 curriculum? Do you work entirely at your own pace? EG: could take from a few weeks to a few years to finish or never depending on your motivation and available time. Most traditional colleges for example would have classes last for one semester. Does W3 do that?Do W3 schools do transcripts? If I get certified in php from W3 schools, would that potentially transfer to a traditional college as a course credit if I took the certificate program at W3? I know it would also depend on the college, but I was wondering if that ever happens.Thank you.

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Note W3Schools also has no association with the W3C. It is just a single entity, W3Schools (no space), a website run by a small business that provides tutorials on web development topics.

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