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using mysql_insert_id($CONN) with ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE query


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all of a sudden this stopped working - in that the mysql_insert_d($conn) function is now returning the LAST_INSERT_ID value generated and not the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id.here is the sql query run, now its returning an id that does not exist in the table.

		// create consumer		$csql = "INSERT INTO 					19_consumers (						`text_ConsumerE-Mail`, 						text_ConsumerName, 						text_ConsumerPhone, 						text_ConsumerCity, 						bigint_ConsumerRegion, 						tinyint_ConsumerStatus					) 					VALUES (						\"".$consumeremail."\", 						\"".$consumerfullname."\", 						\"".$consumercell."\", 						\"".$city_town."\", 						".$region.", 						0					) 					ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE 						`text_ConsumerE-Mail` = 							\"".$consumeremail."\", 						text_ConsumerName = 							\"".$consumerfullname."\", 						text_ConsumerPhone = 							\"".$consumercell."\", 						text_ConsumerCity = 							\"".$city_town."\", 						bigint_ConsumerRegion = 							".$region.", 						tinyint_ConsumerStatus = 0;";		$tresult = mysql_query_errors($csql, $conn , __FILE__ , __LINE__ );		$userid = mysql_insert_id($conn);

how would i be able to repair this? it should return the id of the updated record if a record was not inserted. :)

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it should return the id of the updated record if a record was not inserted.
That's what the documentation says it does, so it sounds like your insert is not finding a duplicate row (or else it would return the ID that it updated).
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  • 2 weeks later...

thing is i have repeated this on a private server using mysql version 5.1.41 and it just returns 0 as the id when updated. it would seem mysql has taken the return of the value of the autoincrement field away... :) any ideas how to work around this? if it is updated, i need to select the id. on the private test server (5.1.41) mysql_insert_id returns 0 if updating. if on the live server (5.0.91) it returns the LAST_INSERT_ID() function - which contains the next insert id to be inserted if nothing was inserted. this really breaks my mood somewhat... :/ any ideas for solutions?ps: it does not return the id that it updated, or 0 as the documentation states. it returns the LAST_INSERT_ID() value from mysql instead, and this sometimes contains id's that do not exist in the table yet (when updating instead of inserting).

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an option could be: to add a mysql_update_id function, to replace the use of mysql_insert_id with the ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE queries... this function can then first try to get the mysql_insert_id, check that it exists in the database - if not, select the updated row's id by email (the unique field in this consumers table).something like this as replacement:

$userid = mysql_update_id($conn, $mail);

will post an update of the suggested function. it is imperative to me, and i am sure not just me - to be able to get the id of the updated record if updating instead of inserting - otherwise retrieve the new insert id.

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well unfortunately this section of the project has been parked for now. i will get back with the function when i have done it :)

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well unfortunately this section of the project has been parked for now. i will get back with the function when i have done it :)

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