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CSS border problem


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I have several border problem as i'm a bit new to CSS so I can't solve these problems. I hope someone can help me.Clipboard01.gifIn the circles you seen an thin line of background. How can I prevent this?On the left you see an blue border. That is OK, where I have drawn on red line there in no border shown but there should be the blue border as well.My code:

#content {	float: left;	width: 1200;	padding: 20px 50px 30px 60px;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;}  .top_table {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor:auto;}  .normal {	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:pointer;}	.highlight {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:pointer;}	.selected {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:auto;	border-top: solid;	border-right: solid;	border-left: solid;	border-color: #0065a5;}	.pulldown {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:auto;	border-right: solid;	border-bottom: solid;	border-left: solid;	border-color: #0065a5;}

The header has class "top_table".The rest of the table has some events to pick the right class:

<script type="text/javascript">function addHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('highlight') == -1) {		el.className += ' highlight';	}}function removeHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('hold') == -1) {		el.className = el.className.replace('highlight','');	}}function setSelected(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('hold') == -1) {		el.className += ' hold';	} else {		el.className = el.className.replace('selected','');	}}</script><?phpecho '<tr onMouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onMouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)">?>

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Its difficult to offer advise, without having the html to go with the css styling you have listed, have you set table border, cellspacing, cellpadding, to zero?It could be that you just need to set the td cells borders to same colour as the tr background when events 'onmouseover', 'onclick' etc changes the class name, because at the moment you seem to be targeting the tr only.example below

.highlight td { border-color:#DDDDFD;}

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if you set the border to zero, then all border should disappear, as the borders within your css styling have no border-width: set, at all.are your looking for something similar to this?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*/function addHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('highlight') == -1) {		el.className += ' highlight';	}}function removeHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('hold') == -1) {		el.className = el.className.replace('highlight','');	}}function setSelected(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('hold') == -1) {		el.className += ' hold';	} else {		el.className = el.className.replace('selected','');	}}/*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">#content {	float: left;	width: 1200px;	padding: 20px 50px 30px 60px;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;}  .top_table {		font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor:auto;	background-color:#F1F1F1;	border:1px solid #0065a5;}.top_table tr, .top_table td{border-width:0;}  .normal {	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:pointer;}	.highlight {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:pointer;}	.selected {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:auto;	border:1px solid #0065a5;	border-bottom-width:0;		}	.pulldown {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:auto;	border:1px solid #0065a5;	border-top-width:0;}</style></head><body><table width="800" class="top_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>  </tr></table>

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or maybe below(repeated styling removed), as i said without html code jusyt guessing here

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><title>Untitled Document</title><script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*//*---->*/function addHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('highlight') == -1) {		el.className += ' highlight';	}}function removeHighlight(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('normal') == -1) {		el.className = el.className.replace('highlight','');	}}function setSelected(el) {	if (el.className.indexOf('selected') == -1) {		el.className += ' selected';	} else {		el.className = el.className.replace('selected','');	}}/*--*//*]]>*/</script><style type="text/css">#content {	float: left;	width: 1200px;	padding: 20px 50px 30px 60px;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;}  .top_table {		font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor:auto;	background-color:#F1F1F1;	border:1px solid #0065a5;}.top_table tr, .top_table td{border-width:0;}.top_table tr{	cursor:pointer;	}  .normal {	  	background-color: #F1F1F1;}	.highlight {	background-color: #DDDDFD;}	.selected {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	}	.pulldown {	cursor:auto;}</style></head><body><table width="800" class="top_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>	<td>0</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>	<td>1</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>	<td>2</td>  </tr> <tr onmouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onmouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this)" class="">	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>	<td>3</td>  </tr></table></body></html>

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This is what I have right now:

#content {	float: left;	width: 1200;	padding: 20px 50px 30px 60px;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;}  .top_table {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor: auto;	border-width: 0px;}  .normal {	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor: pointer;	border-width: 0px;}	.highlight {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor: pointer;	border-width: 3px;}	.selected {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor:auto;	border-top: solid;	border-right: solid;	border-left: solid;	border-color: #0065a5;	border-width: 3px;}	.pulldown {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	cursor: auto;	border-right: solid;	border-bottom: solid;	border-left: solid;	border-color: #0065a5;	border-width: 3px;}

				// tabelkop				echo '<table id="header1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">					  <tr class="floating header top_table">						  <td width=200>'.$lang['klantnaam'].' <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=klantnaam&sort=asc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_asc'].'"><img src="images/icon/asc.png"></a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=klantnaam&sort=desc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_desc'].'"><img src="images/icon/desc.png"></a></td>						  <td width=200>'.$lang['adres'].' <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=adres&sort=asc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_asc'].'"><img src="images/icon/asc.png"></a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=adres&sort=desc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_desc'].'"><img src="images/icon/desc.png"></a></td>						  <td width=100>'.$lang['postcode'].' <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=postcode&sort=asc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_asc'].'"><img src="images/icon/asc.png"></a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=postcode&sort=desc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_desc'].'"><img src="images/icon/desc.png"></a></td>						  <td width=175>'.$lang['plaats'].' <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=plaats&sort=asc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_asc'].'"><img src="images/icon/asc.png"></a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?sort_name=plaats&sort=desc" title="'.$lang['sorteer_desc'].'"><img src="images/icon/desc.png"></a></td>						  <td width=150>'.$lang['tel'].'</td>						  <td width=150>'.$lang['fax'].'</td>						  <td></td>						  <td></td>					  </tr>';									// inhoud				while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))				{					echo '<tr onMouseOver="addHighlight(this);" onMouseOut="removeHighlight(this);" onclick="setSelected(this),showDetails('.$row['id'].')"  class="normal">								<td class="dblclick" id="adressen|klantnaam|'.$row['id'].'" >'.htmlentities($row['klantnaam']).'</td>								<td>'.htmlentities($row['adres']).'</td>								<td>'.$row['postcode'].'</td>								<td>'.htmlentities($row['plaats']).' <img src="images/flags/'.$row['land_code'].'.gif" title="'.htmlentities($row['land']).'"></td>								<td>'.$row['tel'].'</td>								<td>'.$row['fax'].'</td>								<td>'; if(!empty($row['email'])) { echo '<a href="mailto:'.$row['email'].'" title="'.$lang['mail_verstuur'].'"><img src="images/icon/mail.png"></a>'; } echo '</td>								<td>'; if(!empty($row['www'])) { echo '<a href="'.$row['www'].'" title="'.$lang['website_bezoek'].'" target="_blank"><img src="images/icon/web.png"></a>'; } echo '</td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td colspan="9"> <div id="details'.$row['id'].'"> </div> </td>						  </tr>';				}								// einde tabel				echo '</table>';

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An couple of nights sleeping over it helps! I have it all sorted out now. I never knew you can't add an border on tr :) No I have put my header in an table and another table in the while loop.There is one other problem with the alignment now because of the different tables:27867.jpg

				// tabelkop				echo '<table class="top_table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">					  <tr>						  <td width=10></td>						  <td width=300>'.$lang['klantnaam'].'</td>						  <td width=300>'.$lang['adres'].'</td>					  </tr>					  </table>';									// inhoud				while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))				{					echo '<table class="normal" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">						  <tr>							  <td width=10></td>								<td width=300>'.htmlentities($row['klantnaam']).'</td>								<td width=300>'.htmlentities($row['adres']).'</td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td colspan="9"> <div id="details'.$row['id'].'"> </div> </td>						  </tr>';				}								// einde tabel				echo '</table>';

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NOooooo! don't separate tables just for the header, you will have no end of problems, different widths of tables, and different widths of cells that won't line-up. I would combine to one table, which will fix these problems, and instead of targeting the table with class="top_table" target the row

				// tabelkop				echo '<table  class="normal" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">					  <tr class="top_table">						  <td width=10></td>						  <td width=300>'.$lang['klantnaam'].'</td>						  <td width=300>'.$lang['adres'].'</td>					  </tr>';									// inhoud				while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($res))				{				   						  <tr>							  <td width=10></td>								<td width=300>'.htmlentities($row['klantnaam']).'</td>								<td width=300>'.htmlentities($row['adres']).'</td>						  </tr>						  <tr>							  <td colspan="9"> <div id="details'.$row['id'].'"> </div> </td>						  </tr>';				}								// einde tabel				echo '</table>';

then use

  .top_table td {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor: auto;	border-width: 0px;}

edit: i'm pretty sure you get away with just '.top_table' but depends on what you want to do border wise.

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  .top_table {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor: auto;	border-width: 0px;	/*--CSS3 Rounded Corners--*/	-webkit-border-radius: 7.5px;	-moz-border-radius: 7.5px;	border-radius: 7.5px;}

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Right! because this was used within a table the round corners would apply to the table width and height, now we want combine to the table, to avoid varying width in cells compared to header and tabular data cells, we will have to apply the round corner to the far left and right cells only.

.top_table td {	background-color: #DDDDFD;	font-family: Arial;	font-size: 12px;	font-weight: bold;	cursor: auto;	border-width: 0px;}td.top_table_start {		/*--CSS3 Rounded Corners--*/-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 7.5px;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 7.5px;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 7.5px;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 7.5px;border-top-left-radius: 7.5px;border-bottom-left-radius: 7.5px;}td.top_table_end {		/*--CSS3 Rounded Corners--*/-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 7.5px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 7.5px;-moz-border-radius-topright: 7.5px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 7.5px;border-top-right-radius: 7.5px;border-bottom-right-radius: 7.5px;}

// tabelkop				echo '<table  class="normal" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">					  <tr class="top_table">						  <td width=10 class="top_table_start"></td>						  <td width=300>'.$lang['klantnaam'].'</td>						  <td width=300 class="top_table_end">'.$lang['adres'].'</td>					  </tr>';									// inhoud

the first cell will have a left rounded border only, the right, a right rounded border only. and all cells will have the required background color for that row of cells only, so they blend together.

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do you mean .top_table td ??.top_table on its own will target row and bg color will overlap round corners, whereas.top_table td will target the td belonging to row with .top_table class.The td.top_table_start will give the same effect as .top_table_start in this situation, the first will target any td element with class 'top_table_start' whereas .top_table_start on its own will target ALL elements with class 'top_table_start', so you can remove the td if you require.top_table td will work in most browsers, IE not included (because its Kack), .top_table won't

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