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problem with confirmation key


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hey everyone, i've recently made a email function that sends every user a email to activate his account by clicking on the included link. I have to email and the confirmation key all settled there's just one problem. For some reason my script wont move the data from my temporary table to the permanent one, i cant figure out what's wrong and i was hoping someone could take a look and give me some pointers

<html><head><title>game media</title><?phpinclude("connect.php");?></head><body><?// Passkey that got from link$passkey=$_GET['passkey'];$tbl_name1="tmp_members";// Retrieve data from table where row that match this passkey$sql1="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name1 WHERE confirm_code='$passkey'";$result1=mysql_query($sql1);// If successfully queriedif($result1){// Count how many row have this passkey$count=mysql_num_rows($result1);// if found this passkey in our database, retrieve dataif($count==1){$rows=mysql_fetch_array($result1);$voornaam=$rows['voornaam'];$achternaam=$rows['achternaam'];$email=$rows['email'];$woonadres=$rows['woonadres'];$afleveradres=$rows['afleveradres'];$land=$rows['land'];$afleveradress=$rows['afleveradress'];$tbl_name2="registered_members";// Insert data that retrieves from "temp_members_db" into table "registered_members"$sql2="INSERT INTO $tbl_name2(voornaam, achternaam, email, woonadres, afleveradres, land, afleveradress)VALUES('$voornaam', '$achternaam', '$email', '$woonadres', '$afleveradres', '$land', '$afleveradress')";$result2=mysql_query($sql2);}// if not found passkey, display message "Wrong Confirmation code"else {echo "Wrong Confirmation code";}

yes i know i'm missing a few tags in the bottom but that's intended so i don't have to copy paste a giant wall of text :)So yes this is the code that's giving me a hard time inserting the data into the first table goes perfect smooth but when i click on the confirmation link i get a blank screen. at this point I've noticed that could indicate a syntax error.

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The best to try is using or die(mysql_error());I suggest using one table (profile table) with columns confirm_code and activated and when you check activation update row to 1. And default will be 0, or whatever.

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If you think there's a syntax error, one way is to have a file set the error settings, then include the file with the problem. e.g.:

<?phpini_set('display_errors', 1);error_reporting(E_ALL);include 'file.php';?>

If there's a syntax error in file.php, that will show the error message in the browser. Otherwise, make sure your page gives output no matter what happens. There might be a path through the if statements that results in a blank screen even though there was no error. I don't see any output if the user was added to the other table.

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This might be worth putting down though i doubt it's helpfull

$message = "http://www.host.net/confirm.php?passkey=$confirm_code";

it's the link in the confirmation email which needs to be clicked one to validate an account

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