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ie7 bottom-margin


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so I've got a funky problem that's occurring only in IE7 that's not occurring in any other browsers. it has to do with the icons on the left hand side of the page not being spaced apart correctly in IE7 versus all the other browsers I've tested the pages in (Chrome/Safari/FF/Opera for OSX & XP).here's a linkhttp://www.analogstudios.net/sandandfiredon't mind the fact that some of the content is off the page in IE, that's already been fixed (as you can see in the screens below)here's a couple of images for those without access to IE7 to see what I'm talking aboutChrome: http://analogstudios.net/sandandfire/screens/chrome.pngIE7: http://analogstudios.net/sandandfire/screens/ie7.pngas you can see the icons have a the desired distance between them in all other browsers (including IE8). the current styles affecting the icons are

#social_networking li{  margin-bottom: 13px;}

I was able to use an IE7 conditional statement to include on the pages to solve the issue, which changes that style to this

#social_networking li{  margin-bottom: -3px;}

so, can anyone think of something I can do to fix the issues that's preventing it from working correctly in IE7, or this an acceptable case for using a conditional statement?

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remove spacing between ul, li tags, OR give li float:left; may need adjusting at top to bring it down a it.Another problem, in windows ie7, ie8 compatible, the top menu is vertical above the "Welcome to SandandFire!", but also, the content container is below the the left side bar container as well. To fix this, use margin-left instead of padding-left.

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yeah, I fixed all the off kilter content and navigation stuff locally, just not in my testing domain (I think I mentioned that in my post...).I'll give it shot at making those tweaks that you suggested. Thanks for the feedback!

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