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Any good source for jQuery Q&A?


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This works as intended in IE, but not in FF

	<script type="text/javascript">		$(document).ready(function(){			/* give all divs with an id attribute a clear border */			$("div[id]").css("border","1px, solid black");		})	</script>

How come? And is there a discrepencies list anywhere?

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This works as intended in IE, but not in FF
	<script type="text/javascript">		$(document).ready(function(){			/* give all divs with an id attribute a clear border */			$("div[id]").css("border","1px, solid black");		})	</script>

How come? And is there a discrepencies list anywhere?

this is what I would try
	<script type="text/javascript">  $(document).ready(function(){	/* give all divs with an id attribute a clear border */	$("div").each(function(){	  if(this.id){		this.css("border","1px solid black");	  };	});  });</script>


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No. The intended outcome did not occurr in either browser. I'll just switch back to the one that worked in IE, since this is just an excersize to correct the css I have for a site. But the bigger question looms, why does this work in IE and not FF? I thought jQuery was supposed to be cross browser. It is also supposed to be assessable, but not by sans-mouse navagation it is not.

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it appears I meant to say border, not border style. Are there any errors on the page at all when you view it?can you post the relevant HTML, or post a link, so we can try it with the same code you are?

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damn. good call on the .attr. that's probably it.
your code would have worked, if it was not using the js method instead of jq, to change styling (and border-style error, of course) $(document).ready(function(){ /* give all divs with an id attribute a clear border */ $("div").each(function(){ if(this.id){ $(this).css("border","1px solid black"); }; }); });
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thats easy, get id attribute name and assign it to title attribute of div

 $(document).ready(function(){	/* give all divs with an id attribute a clear border */   $("div").each(function(){	if($(this).attr("id")){	$(this).css("border","1px solid black");	var idname = $(this).attr("id")	$(this).attr("title", idname)	 };	});  });

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