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Hey Guys! Inline CSS maybe?


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http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_padding.aspyou could just create a class with the padding on the side you need with the width you need for all those elements, as long as each one needs padding on the same side for the same width.
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Howdy fellas!I need to add padding to this image....... <img alt="" src="http://autorepairorlando.org/wp-content/themes/carsdealer/images/sign.jpg"> it is jammed up against the edge of the page.I also have 2 of 5 <h4>fix it right</h4> tags that also need padding. Please break down this for me as i am learning but need this done. Thank you! Bobby
the best way to learn is to do it yourself. look at the article on padding on this website. Then click the TRY IT YOURSELF button and see how things work. Then you apply to your image and to your <H>.come back if you get stuck but try it first.Guy
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