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Solved: PHP array and table troubles


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Hi,I have 2 problems which I am not sure how to fix since I am just beginning in coding PHP...The first problem is that when I try to print an array with a table I got the follow:x0z8dk.jpgFor some reason the right side of the table is wider...Here is the code:

  <table border="1">	<tbody>	  <tr>		<td>		  <p align="center">Name</p>		</td>		<td>		  <p align="center">Age</p>		</td>		<td>		  <p align="center">######</p>		</td>	  </tr><?php	  	  echo "<p><u>Multi-dimensional array example:</u></p>";	  $uid = array(	   0 => array("Peter",23,"M"),	   1 => array("Jason",26,"M"),	   2 => array("Linsay",21,"F"),	   3 => array("Megan",18,"F")	  );	  	  for ($i=0;$i<count($uid);$i++) {			for ($j=0;$j<count($uid, $j);$j++) {			  echo $uid[$i][$j];			  echo "<br />";		  }	  }	  echo "<p><u>With table decoration</u></p>";	  for ($i=0;$i<count($uid);$i++) {			echo "<tr>";			for ($j=0;$j<count($uid, $j);$j++) {				echo "<td>";			  echo $uid[$i][$j];			  echo "</td>";		  }		  echo "</tr>";	  }	  echo "</tbody></table>";	  echo "<br />";?>

Second problem is that I am trying to get an average of two numbers from each person from an array but all I got are zeros...Here is the code for the second problem...

<?php	$uid = array(			 array("name" => "Peter", "chi" => 23, "eng" => 28),		   array("name" => "Jason", "chi" => 26, "eng" => 30),		   array("name" => "Linsay", "chi" => 21, "eng" => 35),		   array("name" => "Megan", "chi" => 18, "eng" => 24)		  );?>  <table border="1">		   <tr><td>Name</td><td>Average</td></tr><?php  	  for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($uid); $i++) {			$average = ($student[$i]["chi"] + $student[$i]["eng"]) / 2;			  echo "<tr><td>" . $uid[$i]["name"] . "</td>\n";			  echo "<td>" .$average. "</td></tr>\n";		  }?>

How do I fix them?...Thanks.

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count($uid, $j) does not give the true total of values within the array, it gives 4, if you echo out count($uid, 1), you would get 16, so you are gaining a extra empty columns.to get the true total you would use $total_multi_dim_value = (count($uid,COUNT_RECURSIVE)-count($uid,0))/count($uid);

	 $total_multi_dim_value = (count($uid,COUNT_RECURSIVE)-count($uid,0))/count($uid); 	  for ($i=0;$i<count($uid);$i++) {			for ($j=0;$j<$total_multi_dim_value;$j++) {			  echo $uid[$i][$j];			  echo "<br />";		 }	  }	  echo "<p><u>With table decoration</u></p>";			  for ($i=0;$i<count($uid);$i++) {			echo "<tr>";			for ($j=0;$j<$total_multi_dim_value;$j++) {				echo "<td>";			  echo $uid[$i][$j];			  echo "</td>";		  }		  echo "</tr>";	  }

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the second problem is that $student is undefined it should be $uid

	 for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($uid); $i++) {			$average = ($uid[$i]["chi"] + $uid[$i]["eng"]) / 2;			  echo "<tr><td>" . $uid[$i]["name"] . "</td>\n";			  echo "<td>" .$average. "</td></tr>\n";		  }

IF you have php settings for displaying errors set to 'ON' it would show you this.

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