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| Em | Px | % | Pt | [Solved]


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It uses a percentage or a proportion relative to the font of the closest ancestor that had a defined size. 1em or 100% means it will be the same size as the text in the parent element.2.2em or 220% means it will be 2.2 times as large as the text in the parent element.0.8em or 80% means it will be 80% the size of the text in the parent element.

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If for example the parent element have 10px font-size, that means: 50%, is just a way to say 'take 50% from the parent element,' which ll result to 5px; While 1em, is just a way to say 'take the whole value of the parent element' and 2em is a way to say 'x2 of the value.' am i currect?

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