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Changing The Class With Javascript


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Hi all.I came across a script that is exactly what I need, unfortunately it's mostly JS.I could work things out if it were PHP but I need some help here. Here is the code..

<html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"><title>Shift Schedule</title> </head><body background="" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000" link="#996600" vlink="#666666" alink="#336600"><script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--	var dayName=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");	var monthName=new Array("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");	var monthDays=new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);	var ondays=new Array("D","D","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","D","D","A","A","A","B","B","C","C","D","D","D","A","A","B","B","C","C","C");	var onnights=new Array("B","B","C","C","D","D","D","A","A","B","B","C","C","C","D","D","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","D","D","A","A","A");	var now=new Date();	var nowd=now.getDate();	var nowm=now.getMonth();	var nowy=now.getYear();	var startdate=new Date("Jan 1 2001 00:00:01");	function showCalendar(day,month,year)	{	  // if this year is divisable by 4 or 100, and is divisible by 400... then change last day of feb to 29. //	  if ((year%4==0)||(year%100==0)) {monthDays[1]=29;}	  if (year%400==0) {monthDays[1]=29;} 	  var firstDay=new Date(year,month,1).getDay()	  var calStr="<br><span id=instruction>Instruction<br></span id=instruction>"	  calStr+="<div class=headerRow>"		  calStr+="<span class=headerLeft><InPut type = button value = 'Last Month'  onClick='nowm--; if (nowm<0) { nowy--; nowm=11; } showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)'></span>"	  calStr+="<span class=headerRight><InPut type = button value = 'Next Month'onClick='nowm++; if (nowm>11) { nowy++; nowm=0; } showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)'></span>"	  calStr+="<span class=headerCenter><font size=2>12 Hour Shift Schedule</font><br>"+monthName[month].toUpperCase()+", "+year+"</span>"  	  calStr+="</div class=headerRow><div class=headerDayRow>"	  for (var i=0;i<dayName.length;i++) calStr+="<span class=headerDays>"+dayName[i].substring(0,3)+"</span>"	  var dayCount=1	  calStr+="</div class=headerDayRow><div class=dayRow>"	  for (var i=0;i<firstDay;i++) calStr+="<span class=emptyDaysTop> </span>"	  for (var i=0;i<monthDays[month];i++)	  {  calStr+="<span class=ACDays><span class=daynumber>"+dayCount++		var fDate = new Date(monthName[month]+" "+dayCount+" "+nowy+" 00:00:01")		var diffdate = (fDate - startdate)/86400000 -1		var diffdate = Math.round(diffdate)		var remainder=diffdate%28		var days=ondays[remainder]		var nights=onnights[remainder]		calStr+="</span><br><b>Days= "		calStr+=days		calStr+="<br>Nights= "		calStr+=nights+"</b></span>"		if ((i+firstDay+1)%7==0&&(dayCount<monthDays[month]+1)) calStr+="</div><div class=dayRow>"	   }	  var totCells=firstDay+monthDays[month]	  for (var i=0;i<(totCells>28?(totCells>35?42:35):28)-totCells;i++) calStr+="<span class=emptyDaysBottom> </span>"	  calStr+="</div>" 	  //define what html to put in the span tag //	  calendar.innerHTML=calStr	}	//--></SCRIPT><center><SPAN ID=calendar><script>  showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)</SCRIPT></SPAN></center></body></html>

Basically I need the following line

calStr+="<span class=ACDays><span class=daynumber>"+dayCount++

to switch from it to this

calStr+="<span class=BDDays><span class=daynumber>"+dayCount++

whenever the variable ondays is either A or C show the switch 1. When variable ondays is either B or D show switch 2. I tried many different ways with my knowledge of PHP but nothing works. Thank you for your time

Edited by Hooch
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Thanks Guy.But this gives me more errors. To show you how I implemented your code look below

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript"><!--    var dayName=new Array("Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday");    var monthName=newArray("January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December");    var monthDays=new Array(31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31);    var ondays=newArray("D","D","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","D","D","A","A","A","B","B","C","C","D","D","D","A","A","B","B","C","C","C");    var onnights=newArray("B","B","C","C","D","D","D","A","A","B","B","C","C","C","D","D","A","A","B","B","B","C","C","D","D","A","A","A");    var now=new Date();    var nowd=now.getDate();    var nowm=now.getMonth();    var nowy=now.getYear();    var startdate=new Date("Jan 1 2001 00:00:01");    function showCalendar(day,month,year)    {	  // if this year is divisable by 4 or 100, and is divisible by 400... then change last day of feb to 29. //	  if ((year%4==0)||(year%100==0)) {monthDays[1]=29;}	  if (year%400==0) {monthDays[1]=29;}	  var firstDay=new Date(year,month,1).getDay()	  var calStr="<br><span id=instruction>Instruction<br></span id=instruction>"	  calStr+="<div class=headerRow>"	 	  calStr+="<span class=headerLeft><InPut type = button value = 'Last Month'  onClick='nowm--; if (nowm<0) { nowy--;nowm=11; } showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)'></span>"	  calStr+="<span class=headerRight><InPut type = button value = 'Next Month'onClick='nowm++; if (nowm>11) { nowy++;nowm=0; } showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)'></span>"	  calStr+="<span class=headerCenter><font size=2>12 Hour Shift Schedule</font><br>"+monthName[month].toUpperCase()+","+year+"</span>" 	  calStr+="</div class=headerRow><div class=headerDayRow>"	  for (var i=0;i<dayName.length;i++) calStr+="<span class=headerDays>"+dayName[i].substring(0,3)+"</span>"	  var dayCount=1	  calStr+="</div class=headerDayRow><div class=dayRow>"	  for (var i=0;i<firstDay;i++) calStr+="<span class=emptyDaysTop> </span>"	  for (var i=0;i<monthDays[month];i++)	  {if (ondays == 'A' || ondays == 'C'){    calStr+="<span class=ACDays><span class=daynumber>"+dayCount++}  else if (ondays == 'B' || ondays == 'D'){    calStr+="<span class=BDDays><span class=daynumber>"+dayCount++}	    var fDate = new Date(monthName[month]+" "+dayCount+" "+nowy+" 00:00:01")	    var diffdate = (fDate - startdate)/86400000 -1	    var diffdate = Math.round(diffdate)	    var remainder=diffdate%28	    var days=ondays[remainder]	    var nights=onnights[remainder]	    calStr+="</span><br><b>Days= "	    calStr+=days	    calStr+="<br>Nights= "	    calStr+=nights+"</b></span>"	    if ((i+firstDay+1)%7==0&&(dayCount<monthDays[month]+1)) calStr+="</div><div class=dayRow>"	   }	  var totCells=firstDay+monthDays[month]	  for (var i=0;i<(totCells>28?(totCells>35?42:35):28)-totCells;i++) calStr+="<span class=emptyDaysBottom> </span>"	  calStr+="</div>"	  //define what html to put in the span tag //	  calendar.innerHTML=calStr    }    //--></SCRIPT></head><body background="" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000" link="#996600" vlink="#666666" alink="#336600"><center><SPAN ID=calendar><script>  showCalendar(nowd,nowm,nowy)</SCRIPT></SPAN></center></body></html>

This my show you what I am trying to do.Just an FYI this code (well the 1st code posted) only works in IE not FF Hooch

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What JSG is saying, is that you should test for one particular Value inside the Array. Ex: If for example, you want to get the first value inside the Array (ondays), then you will do something like this:

if(ondays[0]=="A")//if the first value in the Array is: A.

Edited by O. Samuel
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Thanks for the info guys.Using javascript is not something I do often so I decided to convert it all to PHP. I appreciate you taking the time to help me. If anyone wants the code I will post it. Oh..if you want to see what I was going for look here...This is a 12hr shift schedule my workplace has. Now we cansee what we are working months/years in advance. Againthank you. Hooch

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  • 2 years later...

Ooops..I got to this post via my panel and forgot it started in javascript.

Sorry for posting this PHP problem here.

I removed the above post and added a new one to PHP

Edited by Hooch
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