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Img Url Problem


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In the style section of my website, I put in

a:link {        color:#D93A2B;        text-decoration:none;    }    a:visited {        color:#D93A2B;    }    a:hover {        color:#FFF;        background-color:#D93A2B;    }

However, when I have an image that acts as an url, the image also gets the "background-color" line. How can I differentiate it? Thank you.

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Hmm, doesn't work. I haven't tried IE, but it's a problem with both Safari and Google Chrome. The website is http://www.francissiebert.com and here's the whole code.

<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head>    <meta charset="utf-8">    <title> {Title} </title>    <style>    #container {	    width:60%;	    margin:0 auto;	    background-color:#FFF;	    padding:50px;	    box-shadow:0 0 15px #888;    }    #footer {	    margin:0 300px 0 315px;    }    #spacer {	    height:50px;	    clear:both;    }    body {	    background-color:#F6F6F6;	    font-family: HelveticaNeue-Light, arial;	    font-size:10pt;	    color:#4D4D4D;    }    a:link {	    color:#D93A2B;	    text-decoration:none;    }    a:visited {	    color:#D93A2B;    }    a:hover {	    color:#FFF;	    background-color:#D93A2B;    }    li {	    list-style:none;    }    ul.menu {	    display:inline;	    margin:0;	    padding:0;    }    ul.menu li {	    display:inline;	    list-style:none;	    margin:0;	    padding:0;    }    ul.tags {	    display:inline;	    margin:0;	    padding:0;    }    ul.tags li {	    display:inline;	    list-style:none;	    margin:0;	    padding:0;    }    ol.notes {	    padding: 0px;	    margin: 25px 0px;	    list-style-type: none;    }    ul.tags li:after {    content: ", ";    }      ul.tags li:last-child:after {    content: "";    }    </style></head><body><div id="container"><a href="http://www.francissiebert.com/"><img src="http://i54.tinypic.com/xenzt1.png"/></a><div id="spacer"></div>{block:Posts}{block:Text}    <h2> <a href="{Permalink}">{Title}</a> </h2>{block:Date}    <strong> Posted on {DayOfWeek}, {ShortMonth} {DayOfMonth}{DayOfMonthSuffix} {Year} </strong>{/block:Date}{body}{block:More}    <h4> <a href="{Permalink}">Read More</a> </h4>{/block:More}{/block:Text}Filed Under:{block:HasTags}    <ul class="tags">{block:Tags}    <li>	    <a href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>    </li>{/block:Tags}    </ul>{/block:HasTags}{block:NoteCount}    {PostNotes}{/block:NoteCount}{/block:Posts}<div id="spacer"></div><div id="footer>    <ul class="menu">    <li>    Who writes this ######? | <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/FrancisSiebert">Follow me</a> | <a href="{RSS}"> Subscribe </a>    </li></ul></div></div><!—End Container—></html></body></html>

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Its not a border problem, but you will still have it in IE you have to give the anchor that surrounds the image a class or id name to cancel out the background color set by

a:hover {color:#FFF;background-color:#D93A2B;

<a id="logo" href="http://www.francissiebert.com/"><img src="http://i54.tinypic.com/xenzt1.png"></a> then use

a#logo {background-color: transparent;}a img {border:none;} /*will be required for IE*/

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