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open a popup window from javascript


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Dear I have a form, with an <input>

<input type="submit"  value="submit" onclick='Submit_voting();' />

this form contains 2 radio button..on submit "Submit_voting();" is called to do the calculation upon the checked radio button...till now no problem, when javascript finishm and return data, I want that this javascript open a popup window. this popupwindow can be opened by:

<a class="lightbox-opener" href='#popup8' id='link_content' >Sample Popup</a>

<div class="lightbox-news lightbox-window" id="popup1" style="height:500px"> </div>

but what I need, is that only when click on submit, to do the calculation and open the popup with href="#popup8" my javascript is:

<script type="text/javascript">function Submit_voting() {  chosen = ""            len = document.f1.r1.length                  for (i = 0; i <len; i++) {               if (document.f1.r1[i].checked) {               chosen = document.f1.r1[i].value                 }             } $.ajax({ type: 'GET',url: 'voting.php',data: {chosen: chosen},success: function(data) {   alert(data); } }); }  </script>

please need help

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Check the documentation of the lightbox script you're using, I don't know what script you're using but you have it there so you should look for the documentation.

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