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Adding a new associative element to an array


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I am trying to add another element to an associative array, but cannot figure out the correct syntax.

var sendData = new Array();sendData= {body: message, replied_to_id: id};if (group != null){sendData+={group_id: group};} 

I am pretty sure that syntax is wrong, but I am also sure I have tried every combination I can think of. Sorry its a newbie question but That is me!

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sendData.group_id = group

By the way, that's not an array, it's an object. Your second line of code is making the new Array() line useless. There are no associative arrays in Javascript.

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You actually don't need the first line at all. The second line is just overwriting the new Object you created with another new Object, not adding properties to an existing Object. If you just want to add properties you use the syntax Ingolme showed.

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Also, there's really no reason to use the new keyword when literal syntax will work just as easy, and without the overhead of calling the constructor

myArray = []; //new Array()myObject = {}; //new Object()myString = "";  //new String("");myNum = 3; //new Number(3);myBool = true; //new Boolean;

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