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Hi everyone, first time in this forum, been using your website for long. I make everything in asp but im having problems with the ftp upload so i decided to use php, using w3school iv came arround with this, the upload it self works great but now im having some problems with the validations. i need it to only upload zip files, check if file already exists, rename file and save data into db. this is what iv come accross, can someone help?

<html><head></head><body> <?phpini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('log_errors', 1);ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . 'error_log.txt');error_reporting(E_ALL);set_time_limit(0);if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' ){$stud=(estudo);$exam=(exame);$center=(centro);$pat=(pat);$visit=(visit);$data = date (“j/m/Y”);$path1=(upload);$path2=(xpto);$arquivo = $_FILES[‘arquivo’]; if ($_FILES["arquivo"]=="") echo "<script>alert('File is empty');</script>";  if (substr($arquivo, -4) == ".zip" || $arquivo['type'] == "multipart/x-zip" || $arquivo['type']== "application/zip" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-zip-compressed" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-compressed"){		 if ($arquivo['size']>500000000)		 {		   exit('Arquivo muito grande. Tamanho máximo permitido 500MB. O arquivo enviado contém '.round($arquivo['size']/1024).'kb');  		 }		 $novonome =  $stud.$exam.$center.$pat.$visit.$data.'.zip';		   $dir = "upload/$path2";		    /**		    * $_GET['stud']'/'$_GET['pat']		    */		   if (!file_exists($dir))		 {			 mkdir($dir, 0755);  		  }	    var_dump( $_FILES ); //apenas para debug retirar no fim	    $servidor = '';	    $caminho = $dir.$novonome;	    $arquivo = $_FILES['arquivo'];	    $con_id = ftp_connect($servidor) or die( 'No conectou em: '.$servidor );	    ftp_login( $con_id, 'user', '1234' );	    ftp_put( $con_id, $caminho.$arquivo['name'], $arquivo['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY );}else{ echo "<script>alert('Only Zip files are allowed');</script>";}?>		<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">				<input type="file" name="arquivo" />				<input type="submit" name="enviar" value="Enviar" />		</form></body></html> 


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the script is not working, it say it cant create folder to upload file. heres that part:

	   <?php ini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('log_errors', 1);ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . 'error_log.txt');error_reporting(E_ALL); set_time_limit(0);if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' ){ $stud=(estudo);$exam=(exame);$center=(centro);$pat=(pat);$visit=(visit);$data = date("d/m/Y");$path1=(upload);$path2=(xpto);  $arquivo = $_FILES['arquivo'];  if ($_FILES["arquivo"]=="") echo "<script>alert('File is empty');</script>";  if (substr($arquivo, -4) == ".zip" || $arquivo['type'] == "multipart/x-zip" || $arquivo['type']== "application/zip" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-zip-compressed" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-compressed") {		 if ($arquivo['size']>500000000)		 {		  exit('Arquivo muito grande. Tamanho máximo permitido 500MB. O arquivo enviado contém '.round($arquivo['size']/1024).'kb');  	 		   /**			*  echo "<script>alert('Arquivo muito grande. Tamanho máximo permitido 500MB. O arquivo enviado contém '.round($arquivo['size']/1024).'kb');</script>";			*/		     		 $novonome =  $data.'_'.$stud.'_'.$exam.'_'.$center.'_'.$pat.'_'.$visit.'.zip'; 		 $dir = "upload/".$stud."/".$pat."/";	   		var_dump( $_FILES );//apenas para debug retirar no fim 		$servidor = '';		$caminho = $dir.$novonome;		$arquivo = $_FILES['arquivo']; 		$con_id = ftp_connect($servidor) or die( 'No Connection at: '.$servidor );	ftp_login( $con_id, 'user', '1234' );  	 if (file_exists($dir)) {	 } else {			if (ftp_mkdir($con_id, $dir)) {				echo "successfully created $dir\n";			} else {				echo "There was a problem while creating $dir\n";			}	  } 		  if (file_exists($caminho )) {				   echo "<script>alert('That file already exist!');</script>";		   } else {				  ftp_put( $con_id, $caminho, $arquivo['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY );				  ftp_close($con);		  }}else{echo "<script>alert('Only Zip files are allowed');</script>";}}}?>

you can test it here: http://www.aquasplen...m/corc/ftp1.php

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That might mean that the FTP user doesn't have permission to create a directory there. You may also need to create directories one at a time. Create the upload directory first, then upload/estud, then upload/estud/pat. Also, keep an eye on your error log, there should be a couple warnings or notices listed there. If the error log is empty then make sure PHP has permission to write to it, because you should be seeing error messages there with the current code.

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the ftp user have all permissions tryed like this but still dont work... theres something missing...

  $conn = ftp_connect($host) or fail('Cannot connect.');	ftp_login($conn, $user, $pass) or fail('Cannot login.');	if (!in_array('estudo', ftp_nlist($conn, 'Uploads'))) {		ftp_mkdir($conn, 'Uploads/estudo') or fail('Cannot create dir estudo.');	}	if (!in_array('pat', ftp_nlist($conn, 'Uploads/estudo'))) {		ftp_mkdir($conn, 'Uploads/estudo/pat') or fail('Cannot create dir pat.');	} 

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hi, i really dont know now i get a 500error and the log dont show any error with the page. manage to clean and simplify the code, maybe you can see anything wrong? because i can, like i said its my first php scrip :(

<html><head></head><body><?phpini_set('display_errors', 1);ini_set('log_errors', 1);ini_set('error_log', dirname(__FILE__) . 'error_log.txt');error_reporting(E_ALL);if( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']=='POST' ){set_time_limit(0);$stud=(estudo);$exam=(exame);$center=(centro);$pat=(pat);$visit=(visit);$data = date("d/m/Y");$path2=(xpto);$out = array('error'=>null);$arquivo =$_FILES['arquivo'];$novonome =$data.'_'.$stud.'_'.$exam.'_'.$center.'_'.$pat.'_'.$visit.'.zip';$dir =$stud."/".$pat."/";$servidor ='';$caminho =$dir.$novonome;$user='user';$pass='1234':$conn_id = ftp_connect($servidor) or die( 'No Connection at CorcServer, please contact Corc Support at support@corc.pt'); 	  if ($_FILES["arquivo"]=="") {    $out['error'][] = "Please specify a file";	  }	  if ($arquivo['type'] == "multipart/x-zip" || $arquivo['type']== "application/zip" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-zip-compressed" || $arquivo['type'] == "application/x-compressed")	  else {	  $out['error'][] = "Only Zip files are allowed!";	  }	 if ($arquivo['size']>500000000)  {	 $out['error'][] = "File upload limit is 500MB!";	 }    var_dump( $_FILES );		  //apenas para debug retirar no fim   ftp_login( $conn_id, $user, $pass );    if (!in_array($estudo, ftp_nlist($conn_id, ''))) {	    ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $estudo) or fail ($out['error'][] ="Cannot create dir $estudo.");    }    if (!in_array($pat, ftp_nlist($conn_id, $estudo))) {	    ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $estudo.'/'.$pat) or fail ($out['error'][] ="Cannot create dir $pat.");    }if (file_exists($caminho)) {	    $out['error'][] = "That file already exist";	    } else {   if (count($out['error'])=0) {   ftp_put( $conn_id, $caminho, $arquivo['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY);   ftp_close($conn_id);  } if (count($out['error'])>0) {foreach ($file['error'] as $msg){$message .= '<p>'.$msg.'</p>';echo $message;}}else{echo "File uploaded!";}}?>	    <form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">			    <input type="file" name="arquivo" />			    <input type="submit" name="enviar" value="Enviar" />	    </form></body></html>


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You can use an online syntax checker like this one: http://www.piliapp.com/php-syntax-check/ You have an error on the line that sets $pass, there is a colon instead of a semicolon. There are several other errors on that page, you should be seeing several error messages when you run it. Review the tutorials to see how to get form data, these lines are not correct: $stud=(estudo);

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solve most of all, now only get this

array(1) { ["arquivo"]=> array(5) { ["name"]=> string(7) "1MB.zip" ["type"]=> string(28) "application/x-zip-compressed" ["tmp_name"]=> string(27) "C:\Windows\Temp\phpA765.tmp" ["error"]=> int(0) ["size"]=> int(1212489) } }Warning: ftp_put() [function.ftp-put]: estudo/pat/20/03/2012_estudo_exame_centro_pat_visit.zip: The system cannot find the path specified. in C:\inetpub\vhost\cccm\httpdocs\cc\ftp1.php on line 71
cant understand why it dont create dir, it has all permissions
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The first 6 notices refer to these lines: $stud=(estudo);$exam=(exame);$center=(centro);$pat=(pat);$visit=(visit);$path2=(xpto); What are you trying to do there? The next 2 notices say that you're trying to use a variable called $estudo which is not defined, which is true, you don't define that variable anywhere before you try to use it. The error about ftp_mkdir is caused because $estudo does not exist, you're not telling it what directory to create. The last error is because you're trying to run a function called fail which is not defined.

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I assume the error from post 10 is because one of those subdirectories doesn't exist, you need to create all subdirectories before uploading a file. It won't automatically create subdirectories that don't exist.

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iv fixt it, i toke those in the beginning... it was just something as simple as this, i define the file with a new name and that name start with date but i forgot and define it as d/m/Y just change it to d_m_Y it was assuming the / as a dir... thanks so much i always get stuck in this type of errors :s thanks again

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it's seem like your issue now is with the path, not permissions. have you double checked the path?

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I don't get what you are trying to say. Are you saying it always says the file already exists? Or that it says it exists when it doesn't? Feel free to elaborate on what specific problem is, and provide that value of $caminho, so we know it is actually a filename

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oh, sorry ill try to explain myself more clear. i have this

$stud='estud2o';$exam='exame';$center='centro';$pat='pat';$visit='visit';$data = date("d-m-Y");$path2='xpto';$out = array('error'=>null);$arquivo =$_FILES['arquivo'];$novonome =$data.'_'.$stud.'_'.$exam.'_'.$center.'_'.$pat.'_'.$visit.'.zip';$dir =$stud."/".$pat."/";$servidor ='';$caminho =$dir.$novonome;$user='user';$pass='1234';$conn_id = ftp_connect($servidor) or die( 'No Connection');   if (in_array(ftp_rawlist($conn_id, $dir($novonome)))) {	$out['error'][] = "That file $novonome already exist!";} 

It gives me this error Fatal error: Call to undefined function estud2o/pat/() in C:\inetpub\vhost\aquasplender.com\httpdocs\corc\ftp1.php on line 54 im just trying to check if the file exist in server before i upload it.

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