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simple javascript conversation and response


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Hello everyone, I think you must see this code and result :

<html><head></head><body> D : C who you choose A or B ? <br />C : I definitely choose : <input type="text" size="1" maxlength="1" /><br /><button>Get the answer!</button><br /><br /> response : <br /> (if user type B on input column it will shown : ) <br /><br /> A : you really ungrateful C , so sadness I can become your friend <br /><br /> (if user type A on input column it will shown : ) <br /><br /> B : C,  I'am very disappointed at you, from this moment we are not friend! <br /><br /> (if user type other like D,E till Z on column, it will shown  <br /><br /> A & B : C, From this moment you are not my friend !!!! </body></html>

Question :- To create conversation and response like this, should I combine javascript with PHP or etc?- If using only javascript, can I make conversation like this? please someone answer me Thanks_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Note : I create conversation like this just to make people understand easily with my question, please don't feel offensive. Thanks

Edited by gong
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unless your going to retrieve values from a database I don't see any reason to use PHP. I'm sure you can craft something like this in javascript.

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Using DOM methods you can access the contents of <input>, <select> and <textarea> elements. One of the most useful tools is getElementById(). Once you have the element, if it is an <input> or a <textarea> element you can use the value property to access the data within it. In the case of a checkbox or radio button, the input has a checked property. In the case of a <select> element you can get the selected <option> element using the selectedIndex in combination with the options[] node list. The <option> element has a value property as well.

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