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Are you aware of any good math forum in the web-computing has a lot of math in it so I want to sharpen my skills a little.

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Calculus for example

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"Calculus" isn't a synonym for calculating. But I do have to ask what you need calculus for in web-computing. The majority of calculations needed for a website are very basic algebra.

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I think his original post was two sentances, just not punctuated very clearly.

Are you aware of any good math forum in the web?Computing has a lot of math in it so I want to sharpen my skills a little.
Although I think computing was meant to be programming. I think in general it may be in reference to some of the OP's post in the PHP forum, but as in those threads and as started before, most math in programming is fairly simple. What's usually the most challenging for people is to think logically, and be able to define specific flows and conditions to get the desired output, which has less to with math, and more to do with problem solving in general.
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