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Cannot open the folder of my website?


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I have another problem! The website files are stored in the root folder of my USBwebserver, But if I try to open the USBwebserver (D:), because I need the files for my website it isn´t possible, because the error message says that the files are stored at C:And because of this I cannot edit the files essential for my website!

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So you saved the files on the hostel computer, that is what c: is usually a reference to, the hardrive of computer where the operating system is installed. the usb can be any drive letter above C, if you use another pc, which has cd drive, dvd drive, it could be listed as F: drive. instead.

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I'm not sure I understand the problem... when does this error message appear? Describe every click you're doing from the point you plug the flash drive into the computer.

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Guest LH91325

Just like any question posted on any Internet forum the quality of the answers depends on the quality of the questions. Describe your setup completely and give as many relevant details as you possibly can. Is this your computer? The hostel's computer? What did you change between the time it was working and the time you first noticed it failed? You should describe what your USBwebserver is. Well at least one good bit of news: You posted all your code here on the forum between CODE and /CODE tags, right? All you'll need to do is track down those 100 or so topics and cut and paste your code into files on your PC, and then you'll be good to go uploading them back to your server. :)

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Just like any question posted on any Internet forum the quality of the answers depends on the quality of the questions. Describe your setup completely and give as many relevant details as you possibly can. Is this your computer? The hostel's computer? What did you change between the time it was working and the time you first noticed it failed? You should describe what your USBwebserver is. Well at least one good bit of news: You posted all your code here on the forum between CODE and /CODE tags, right? All you'll need to do is track down those 100 or so topics and cut and paste your code into files on your PC, and then you'll be good to go uploading them back to your server. :)
Working is fine, but if I´ve the W3 validator file up load doesn´t work! If I open the USB webserver (takes a very long time!), I open the root folder. go to the index.html (or php?). select the file, then I can´t validate this file!
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Ohhh... so it's about uploads to the validator. I was left with the impression you're trying to open the files in an editor or something.To validate your files, forget about file uploads and instead do the following:1. Start your web server.2. Open the page you want to validate in a browser (let's say IE).3. Right click on the page and select "View Source".4. Notepad will open. Select everything in it... you can do that by clicking anywhere within Notepad's white part, and pressing CTRL+A on the keyboard.5. Copy the text... you can do that by pressing CTRL+C while you've selected the text, or you can right click the blue part and select "Copy".6. Open up the validator.7. Go to "Direct Input".8. Right click on the white part and select "Paste".9. Press "Check" to actually do the validation.(repeat this every time you modify your files)Using this procedure, you can validate not just HTML files, but the output of PHP files as well.

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you can also download validator add ons to validate pages localy. try to search on the browse addons which you are using. there is validator named as "html validator" for mozilla

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Ohhh... so it's about uploads to the validator. I was left with the impression you're trying to open the files in an editor or something. To validate your files, forget about file uploads and instead do the following:1. Start your web server.2. Open the page you want to validate in a browser (let's say IE).3. Right click on the page and select "View Source".4. Notepad will open. Select everything in it... you can do that by clicking anywhere within Notepad's white part, and pressing CTRL+A on the keyboard.5. Copy the text... you can do that by pressing CTRL+C while you've selected the text, or you can right click the blue part and select "Copy".6. Open up the validator.7. Go to "Direct Input".8. Right click on the white part and select "Paste".9. Press "Check" to actually do the validation. (repeat this every time you modify your files) Using this procedure, you can validate not just HTML files, but the output of PHP files as well.
Thank you very much! Now I can continu!
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Ohhh... so it's about uploads to the validator. I was left with the impression you're trying to open the files in an editor or something. To validate your files, forget about file uploads and instead do the following:1. Start your web server.2. Open the page you want to validate in a browser (let's say IE).3. Right click on the page and select "View Source".4. Notepad will open. Select everything in it... you can do that by clicking anywhere within Notepad's white part, and pressing CTRL+A on the keyboard.5. Copy the text... you can do that by pressing CTRL+C while you've selected the text, or you can right click the blue part and select "Copy".6. Open up the validator.7. Go to "Direct Input".8. Right click on the white part and select "Paste".9. Press "Check" to actually do the validation. (repeat this every time you modify your files) Using this procedure, you can validate not just HTML files, but the output of PHP files as well.
Fantastic! However, where do I validate php files?
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Thank you very much! Now I can continu!
Output php filles is that what the echoes say?
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Guest LH91325
Fantastic! However, where do I validate php files?
Already told you that.
Just one thing to keep in mind, W3C does not validate PHP files! If the page you want to validate is accessible on the Internet just get the URL and paste that into the validation site: http://validator.w3.org/
The only validation of PHP files is to execute them and validate the HTML they produce. Or in another sense, they're valid if they execute without errors. If they're not valid you get error messages on the pages they generate. Maybe I should have been clearer. W3C doesn't validate PHP files but nobody else does either. There isn't any standard to validate PHP by except the language definitions and the PHP processor capabilities. If it runs with no errors then it's valid.
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Fantastic! However, where do I validate php files?
You don't... I mean, you can't... not in the same sense at least. You can just validate the output of PHP files using the same validator.If you run a PHP, and it doesn't produce any errors, but instead produces what it's supposed to, it's "valid" (though in a different sense).
Output php filles is that what the echoes say?
Basically... yes.
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You don't... I mean, you can't... not in the same sense at least. You can just validate the output of PHP files using the same validator. If you run a PHP, and it doesn't produce any errors, but instead produces what it's supposed to, it's "valid" (though in a different sense). Basically... yes.
I´ve some awful stressed days behind me, but this means a very big break-through for me! Now, I´m going to finish my website (like you (=plural) wrote!) as soon as possible!
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Already told you that. The only validation of PHP files is to execute them and validate the HTML they produce. Or in another sense, they're valid if they execute without errors. If they're not valid you get error messages on the pages they generate. Maybe I should have been clearer. W3C doesn't validate PHP files but nobody else does either. There isn't any standard to validate PHP by except the language definitions and the PHP processor capabilities. If it runs with no errors then it's valid.
Ok, thanks!
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But now?1 Improve index.html (validate!)2 check the php files + mysql queries (with html forms!)3 Combine html + php files -> index.php4 designing contact form5 testing website in several browsers6 ...

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Guest LH91325
But now?1 Improve index.html (validate!)
Your site still has 32 errors and 5 warnings. Don't you think that's quite enough to do?
4 designing contact form
Have you ever heard of Google? It's a search engine. You type in a question and it finds answers for you. Google: "php contact form example code" I found several examples that looked like they would work on the first page of of the results, including this one at W3Schools.com!
<html><body> <?phpif (isset($_REQUEST['email']))//if "email" is filled out, send email  {  //send email  $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;  $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ;  $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;  mail("someone@example.com", $subject,  $message, "From:" . $email);  echo "Thank you for using our mail form";  }else//if "email" is not filled out, display the form  {  echo "<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>  Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br />  Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />  Message:<br />  <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>  </textarea><br />  <input type='submit' />  </form>";  }?> </body></html>

I changed the email address to my own email address and put it on my server with no other changes and accessed it, filled in the form, pressed the button and a couple of seconds later the email appeared in my inbox. How about spending some time trying to find your own answers instead of asking people to hand feed them to you?

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Your site still has 32 errors and 5 warnings. Don't you think that's quite enough to do? Have you ever heard of Google? It's a search engine. You type in a question and it finds answers for you. Google: "php contact form example code" I found several examples that looked like they would work on the first page of of the results, including this one at W3Schools.com!
<html><body> <?phpif (isset($_REQUEST['email']))//if "email" is filled out, send email  {  //send email  $email = $_REQUEST['email'] ;  $subject = $_REQUEST['subject'] ;  $message = $_REQUEST['message'] ;  mail("someone@example.com", $subject,  $message, "From:" . $email);  echo "Thank you for using our mail form";  }else//if "email" is not filled out, display the form  {  echo "<form method='post' action='mailform.php'>  Email: <input name='email' type='text' /><br />  Subject: <input name='subject' type='text' /><br />  Message:<br />  <textarea name='message' rows='15' cols='40'>  </textarea><br />  <input type='submit' />  </form>";  }?> </body></html>

I changed the email address to my own email address and put it on my server with no other changes and accessed it, filled in the form, pressed the button and a couple of seconds later the email appeared in my inbox. How about spending some time trying to find your own answers instead of asking people to hand feed them to you?

Ok, thanks!I´m going to do now no. 1! To answer ypur question: I was thinking of ´the house´ you wrote me!
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