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back button ruins accurate display SOLVED with thanks in the last post


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All my pages have a back button, but sometimes I accidently click the "go back one page" button on the browser. This can ruin the accurate display of info. A quick page refresh and everything's OK. However, I can spend a few moments wondering what I'm looking at and I'm the one that wrote the page! Is there a name for this situation and what can be done, if anything, when a user doesn't use the back button on the site? A forced refresh might be a solution, but is that even possible?

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No, but I will later next week I'll have this site up for more testing. This will easily wait til then. Just to confirm, the "go back one page" on the browser re-loads a page out of cache. Right?

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I'll close this topic for then. Thanks for your help justsomeguy.

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