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how to prevent selectables


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Foxy, some game sites prevent high lighting because while playing some games it is very easy to accidentally activate the highlighting which screws up the game, the browser and so on. Other than that, I have no idea.I've never heard of a site disabling double click, but I have been on sites where you can't right click.

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Generally, the way to disable selecting page content is to put an empty block element ontop of the rest of the content using absolute positioning.

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if i did place something on top of everything and made it transparent. im assuming this is what you mean? would that also keep me from interacting with elements under it? like clicking or what ever. which wouldnt be what id want. im pretty sure if you log into www.lordofultima.com/ you cant hight light stuff on the map. i'll check that again. but I know the game Utopia does it where you cant select. but they are also have no need to interact with elements. I wanted to do this cause idk it just feels better when clicking around on the page

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I don't recommend it. There's no point. If you cover the elements there is no way to interact with them. No links, click events, selecting or anything.

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Hey guys I notice some sites/games have it where you cant double click on the screen and high light stuff. Was wondering how they do that? I notice google doesnt do this but gives a example of what I dont want. google.jpg
you realize your example is an image, right?
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There are currently drafts that would allow you to do just that - specify a content as non-selectable, while still allowing users to interact with it.The guys who bring you this... interesting... feature... are the same guys who brought you right click prevention: Microsoft. Read this blog post for details.

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The map you are talking about, is it interactive? If so try clicking outside the map area and try to highlight. You won't be able to highlight (usually) if you try clicking on the map and high light that way.

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