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Can't add to database


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Please help me, I've no idea what's going wrong here. I'm trying to add to a database. This works:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `images` (`id`, `class`, `foreign_id`, `title`, `filename`, `created`, `modified`, `order`, `category`) VALUES (NULL,'Bio','99','test','image.jpg',CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,'0','0')"); 

But this doesn't:

mysql_query("INSERT INTO `images` (`id`, `class`, `foreign_id`, `title`, `filename`, `created`, `modified`, `order`, `category`) VALUES (NULL, '$_POST[class]'', '$_POST[foreign_id]', '$_POST[name]', '$_POST[pic]', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '$_POST[order]', '$_POST[category]')"); 

All of the fields have the correct values, but for some reason it just won't let me do it. I've sent three days trying to get it sorted, but I think I'm just going round in circles now.

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Did you add code to check for errors from MySQL over those three days? I see one syntax error, but there might also be unescaped quotes in the data. Use mysql_error to check for errors, and print out the query to verify what it says. There's no reason to spend 3 days debugging a syntax error when you can have MySQL tell you exactly what the problem is.

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it will not report errors in mysql implictly unless you tell it to do so. what php myadmin do is display errors when there is error in mysql. mysql_error() is the function which tells about the errors.

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I can't believe nobody's mentioned escaping data. You are using the POST variables directly in the query, which is a very bad idea. Google "SQL injection" if you want to see why it's a bad idea. You should be using mysql_real_escape_string to escape those values before using them in your query.

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