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CSS font styling for select option

Don E

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Hey everyone, The following seems to only work in FireFox but not in other browsers; the font doesn't get styled in others except FireFox. What would be the recommended way or technique to make it work in most/all browsers?

<select name="fontType" >  <option selected="selected"></option>  <option style="font-family:Arial;" value="arial">Arial</option>   <option style="font-family:'Comic Sans MS';" value="comic">Comic-Sans</option>   <option style="font-family:DejaVu-Sans;" value="dejavu">DejaVu-Sans</option>   <option style="font-family:Courier;" value="cour">Courier</option>   <option style="font-family:Georgia;" value="georgia">Georgia</option>   <option style="font-family:Gothic" value="gothic">Gothic</option>   <option style="font-family:Helvetica;" value="helvetica">Helvetica</option>   <option style="font-family:Impact;" value="impact">Impact</option>   <option style="font-family:Tahoma;" value="tahoma">Tahoma</option>   <option style="font-family:'Times New Roman';" value="times">Times New Roman</option>   <option style="font-family:'Trebuchet MS';" value="trebuc">Trebuchet</option>   <option style="font-family:Verdana;" value="verdana">Verdana</option></select>


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That not going to work for other browsers, the only way you can get this to work is not use a select dropdown, but a unordered list, very much like a menu, where you can style pretty much how you want, then use javscript to gather the html on clicking and add the value to an hidden input element.

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That not going to work for other browsers, the only way you can get this to work is not use a select dropdown, but a unordered list, very much like a menu, where you can style pretty much how you want, then use javscript to gather the html on clicking and add the value to an hidden input element.
Thanks for the input. I'll def consider this.
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