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hey guys can someone give me a simple but good ideal to create a program that uses if/else and while/do while? any simple program will do

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Hmmm... Yeah, tutorials are a good idea. But here are some examples any way: If, else:

yourName=prompt("Please enter your full name:","John Johnson");if (yourName=="John Johnson") {	alert("You used the standard name!");}else {	if (yourName.length<=5) alert("Your name is a little short...");	else if (yourName.length>5 && yourName.length<=25) alert("I like your name...");	else {		alert("Your name is too long.");	}}

Or this:

yourName=prompt("Please enter your full name:","John Johnson");if (yourName=="John Johnson") {	alert("You used the standard name!");}else if (yourName.length<=5) alert("Your name is a little short...");else if (yourName.length>5 && yourName.length<=25) alert("I like your name...");else {	alert("Your name is too long.");}

While/ Do-while:

name=prompt("Enter a name (maximum 30 characters):");if (name) {	while (name.length>30) {		name=prompt("Enter a name (maximum 30 characters).",name);	}}

Or this:

do {	name=prompt("Enter a name (maximum 30 characters):");} while(name && name.length>30);

Edited by ReGA
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