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Is there a place I can go to read the rules for HTML and CSS


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I have been using W3Schools to learn as much as I can to be able to write proper code for website I work on. The one thing I have not been able to find is, how all the tags,elements and other coding fits together in the proper way. I see some things with a ";"and ":" at the end of a string of things within a string of code. Is there a basic way, I must have missed it when I read the basics over and over again. I am just trying to learn how things work with each other. Some code seems to have a " " " or a ":" or ": To only add more confusion to this mess I want to know are there rules as to what has to be first in the string of coding I.E. <body> <color:red:5: times; > The above is just something from the top of my head, there has to be a spot, one would think it would be before any coding. There has to be some commom rules on when a : is used and when a ; is used I know what I just typed makes no sense but with all this "fiscal cliff" BS going on today my mind is fried. Can someone pointment in the right direction to read the very basic and proper way to write code. Any help will be much appreciated, I know this is a bunch of "crap" but my hopes are to have someone to see it and direct me to the place I need to be to learn the correct way to write code, I want to learn how to write clean code. Happy New years Ron

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Well each language is different. Have you gone through all of the tutorials? Once you've been through the tutorials then go though the reference sections. http://www.w3schools.com/html/default.asphttp://www.w3schools.com/sitemap/default.asp#references The basic format of a webpage is always something like this:

<!DOCTYPE HTML><html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>My Title</title><style></style><script></script></head><body></body></html>

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anytime i encounter web developer that loves to do coding in the standardized manner, it alway makes me feel happy.. Well, 1st, i think the first problem you ar having is syntax used in different technologies.. The governoring rules in each technology is so different but interwoven in nature, reason be that because, you can actually embed almost all web technology in a single web page, however, if you really have gone through all the web technology tutorials, then you shouldn't bn having any problem.. If you confused, start from the w3schools introduction of every tutorials.. I believe that will clarify your problem.. <body bgcolor="blue"> HTML attribute syntax... <body style="background-color:blue;"> HTML mixed with inline CSS declaration.. GoodluckCheersWeezy

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The best advice I can give you is, as Weezy said, learn the basics of the technologies which you wish to learn. Once you understand the basic concept/syntax, just create a random web page, trying to use as many techniques as possible. I learnt just by creating random sites and testing syntax. I think a lot of it is trial and error. Sometimes you will get stuck and even after trying everything you know, will still need some help from forums. I have had a lot of help from forums regarding web design. Sometimes it takes someone to actually explain it in leymans terms before you can fully understand it. First start with HTML and CSS, create a random site, trying to implement as many different techniques as you possibly can, then once you feel you have become quite good at CSS, go for learning PHP or JavaScript. (I'd suggest going for PHP first). Kind regards, Lab.

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