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UPDATE Data multiple


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Hey .. I do multiple UPdate Data Like this but its still not work ,if I just do update for single tabel no problem its all run very well , what wrong with below code Thanks

/*============ Koneksi To DB===========*///require_once'../../../inc/koneksi.php';/*============== Variabel Data Siswa================*/   $id = $_POST['id_user'];  $nama = $_POST['nama']; $lahir = $_POST['tempat_lahir'];  /*-------- Variabel untuk TBT-------------*///$tgl = $_POST['tgl'];  $bulan = $_POST['bulan'];   $tahun = $_POST['tahun'];   $tbt = $_POST['tahun']."-".$_POST['bulan']."-".$_POST['tgl']; $agama = $_POST['agama'];$jenkel = $_POST['kelamin'];$nm_ortu = $_POST['nm_ortu'];$alamat = $_POST['alamat'];/*================ Variabel Lokal===========*/  $phobi = $_POST['phobi'];     $cita = $_POST['cita'];$goll = $_POST['goll'];//Query Update Data$q = "UPDATE duser SET id_user='$id',nama='$nama',tempat_lahir='$lahir',tgl_lahir='$tbt',agama='$agama',jenkel='$jenkel',nm_ortu='$nm_ortu',alamat='$alamat' WHERE id_user ='$id'; UPDATE extrarull SET id_ex='$id',phobi='$phobi',cita='$cita',goll='$goll' WHERE id_ex = $id'";if ($dq = mysql_query($q)) {info_sukses("Sukses Update");}else{info_gagal("Gagal Update ");}  

This is example of DBso here I want change data for id_user (1001) at 2 table below so I do like above but is it still not run .. but if ijust do single update like this:

//Query Update Data$q = "UPDATE duserSET id_user='$id',nama='$nama',tempat_lahir='$lahir',tgl_lahir='$tbt',agama='$agama',jenkel='$jenkel',nm_ortu='$nm_ortu',alamat='$alamat' WHERE id_user ='$id'";if ($dq = mysql_query($q)) {info_sukses("Sukses Update");}else{info_gagal("Gagal Update ");}

all work very wellEX : Table duser+---------+--------+----------+---------------------+------------------+----------+------------- +------------------------------+| id_user | nama | tempat_lahir | tgl_lahir | agama | jenkel | nm_ortu | alamat |+---------+--------+----------+---------------------+-------------------+---------+------------- +------------------------------| 1001 | Anton | Padang Pas | 2001-11-12 | samawi | L | Jono w | Jl.tutun naik ptang no90 || 1020 | Alex | Jalan Lama | 1990-10-12 | duniawi | L | Bobo K | Jln majujalan no 99 |+---------+--------+----------+---------------------+-------------------+----------+-------------+----------------------------- EX : Table extrarull+---------+------------+--------------+---------------------+| id_ex | phobi | cita | goll |+---------+------------+--------------+---------------------+| 1001 | Lalok | pragamer | masih di utak | | 1020 | batang | developer | Baru sdangjalan | +---------+-----------+---------------+---------------------+ Thank for helpful

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