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Why my table data is not display

Ashish Sood

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if(isset($_POST['submit'])){	 $selectcondition = "SELECT * FROM turnovers where INCIDENTID='".$_POST['search']."'"; //Select Query Which check the date whether the checklist for the given date is exit or not.	 $check=mysql_query($selectcondition,$con);	 $fetch=mysql_fetch_assoc($check);	 $status = mysql_query("SELECT STATUS FROM turnovers where INCIDENTID='".$_POST['search']."'");	 $fetch_status=mysql_fetch_assoc($status);	  	if(!$fetch) //If checklist for the given date is not exit execute if condition{			    echo '<font color="red">';  echo "<br>";  echo "No Incident Found In The Database";  echo "<br>";			    echo "</font>";}if ($fetch_status['STATUS'] =="closed"){  echo "<table width='100%' height='10%' border='1' cellspacing='0'>			     <tr bgcolor='#3399FF'>				   <th>DATE</th>				   <th>CITY</th>				   <th>SAMPLE</th>				   <th>NAME</th>								 </tr>";  while($records = mysql_fetch_array($status))		   {  			  echo "<tr bgcolor='#009999'>";			  echo "<td>" . $records['DATE'] . " </td>";			  echo "<td>" . $records['CITY']. " </td>";			  echo "<td>" . $records['SAMPLE'] . " </td>";			  echo "<td>" . $records['NAME'] . " </td>";      } 				  echo "</table>";}   

The First if block is executed successfully but my second if block is half executed mean only the table heading is printed on the form but the table not data. please let me know what wrong in my second if block.

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