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Auto complete text using JSON


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I am trying auto complete text using json file. But only last data is getting displayed. Can anyone tell me where I did mistake? autocomplete.json {"label" : "Aragorn","label" : "Arwen","label" : "Bilbo Baggins","label" : "Boromir","label" : "Frodo Baggins","label" : "Gandalf","label" : "Gimli","label" : "Gollum","label" : "Legolas","label" : "Meriadoc Merry Brandybuck","label" : "Peregrin Pippin Took","label" : "Samwise Gamgee"} index.html<html><body><div class="ui-widget"><input id="tags" /><script>$(function() {$( "#tags" ).autocomplete({source:"autocomplete.json"})});</script></div></body></html>

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There can only be one property called "label". Each "label" is overwriting the previous one. Maybe you should check the documentation for the data format again to make sure you didn't misunderstand.

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