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I'd like to run code when document's ready, but only once


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Hi, I'm trying to create a navigation menu. When you click on each item of the menu, it displays the corresponding target page below and hides the others. You will find HTML & JS code below and in attachment. Here is the way I proceed: with JS and my "initiateNavigation" function, I :1) attach a JS function to every link of the menu. This "navigation" function will be called on click and hide all the pages and display only the selected one.2) call the navigation function to display the first page (page 1). The initiateNavigation function is called when the document is ready: $(document).ready(function(){}; The problem is that every time I click on a link, it does the work and loads the targeted page, but the browser considers the document to be ready again, and it calls the initiateNavigation again and displays page 1. How can I call the initiateNavigation function once only? Thanks, M. HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head>  <title></title>  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheet.css">  <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script>  <script src="javascript.js"></script>  </head><body>   <div>	<div id="lienpage1"><a href="">Page 1</a></div>	<div id="lienpage2"><a href="">Page 2</a></div>	<div id="lienpage3"><a href="">Page 3</a></div>   </div>   <div>	<div id="page1">bla bla page 1</div>	<div id="page2">bla bla page 2</div>	<div id="page3">bla bla page 3</div>   </div>   <div>test</div></body></html>

JS code:

   function navigation(destinationsIdsArray,focus){  	$.each(destinationsIdsArray, function(){	 $('#'+this).hide();	});  	$('#'+focus).fadeIn(500);   }   function initiateNavigation(selectorsIdsArray,destinationsIdsArray){	//selectorsIdsArray = array of ids of the selectors, i.e. divisions containing the links that will be used for selecting the target divisions to focus on.	//destinationsIdsArray = array of ids of the target divisions.  	if(selectorsIdsArray.length!=destinationsIdsArray.length){	 alert('both arrays do not have the same length');	 return;	}	  	$.each(destinationsIdsArray, function(){	 $('#'+this).hide();	});	$.each(selectorsIdsArray, function(){	 var destination=destinationsIdsArray[$.inArray(String(this),selectorsIdsArray)];	 $('#'+this).click(function(){	  navigation(destinationsIdsArray,destination);	 });	});  	navigation(destinationsIdsArray,destinationsIdsArray[0]);   }     $(document).ready(function(){	initiateNavigation(['lienpage1','lienpage2','lienpage3'],['page1','page2','page3']);   });




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I suspect it is because you are wrapping your menu items in <a> elements. You are already capturing the click event, so using a link is redundant. But having it there with href="" forces the page to reload.

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