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changing calendar days...


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This is the PHP code that changed the day in a calendar(the calendar always shows the current day and with code shown belowthe user can go back or forward day by day).

datecalculation($newdate);if (isset($_GET['newdate'])) {	 $newdate = $_GET['newdate'];	 datecalculation($newdate);} <ul id="dayshow">			 <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "?newdate=". $prevDay . '&dayview' ?>"><img id="prevday" src="Images/day_prev.png"></a></li>		    <li><?php echo $now->format('j'.'  '.$monthNames1[$now->format('n')].'Y')?></li>		    <li> <?php var_dump($nextDay); ?> </li>		    <li><a href="<?php echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]. "?newdate=". $nextDay . '&dayview' ?>"><img id="nextday" src="Images/day_next.png"></a></li>			 </ul>

There is also a function called datecalculation which as it's name implies makes the date calculationsand for the sake of brevity I am not showing(If the need arises I will). The aim here is to make the above work with ajax...I have failed so far.Here is the js:

$('#nextday').click(function(){	   event.preventDefault();		 $.ajax({	  type: "GET",	  url: "Calview.php",	  dataType:'dataString',	  data:{"newdate":26-06-2013},	  cache:false,	 });	  });

For testing purposes I 've set a date of 26-06-2013.It does not work though and in the Chrome Dev Tools, in the error console here is the link that is sent.Calview.php?newdate=-1993&_=1372187956455". It must be the date but I do not understand why it goes to the server with the above format.

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Ok...I made a slight change just to see what will happen.I just chose to send 27...

  $('#nextday').click(function(){	   	 	   event.preventDefault();		 $.ajax({	  type: "GET",	  url: "Calview.php",	  dataType:'dataString',	  data:{"newdate":27},	  cache:false,	 });	  });

I got this Calview.php?newdate=27&_=1372195414504". plus that the problem remains that the calendar does not go in the next day after clicking the link.

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Well, you probably need to send it the correct date to go to. Do you understand dsonesuk's post, why the date value you're sending is -1993? Changing the date to 27 doesn't really show that you understand what's going on.

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Well, you probably need to send it the correct date to go to. Do you understand dsonesuk's post, why the date value you're sending is -1993? Changing the date to 27 doesn't really show that you understand what's going on.
I did understand why I got 1993(it is the result of subtraction of the numbers I sent).How am I going to send the date?
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It needs to be a string.

Οκ...Ι fixed that...you will see the code in a while...but there is something else that I really cannot figure out,first the ajax code:

  $('#nextday').click(function(){         event.preventDefault();                $.ajax({      type: "GET",      url: "testajaxcalendar.php",      dataType:'text',      data:{newdate:"29-06-2013"},      cache:false        });                    });

Here is what the console outputs in chrome dev tools whenever I click the above link and an ajax request is made:


XHR finished loading: "http://localhost/Appointments/Administrator/testajaxcalendar.php?newdate=29-06-2013&_=1372359365989".


This 1372359365989 seems to be a unix timestamp but I HAVE NO IDEA where it came from?

Here is the html of the link:

<a id="nextday" href="/Appointments/Administrator/Calview.php?newdate=28-06-2013&dayview"><img src="Images/day_next.png"></a>

Above you see, 28-06-2013 as newdate....this is just printed from php...for sending through ajax and for testing I put 29-06-2013.

But what bothers me is that unix timestamp which is sent with AJAX...what its origin might be?

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