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Object values

Craig Hopson

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Hi guys my JS is poor at best i have this

[Object { prob2=23.5}, Object { prob1=23.375}]

showing in my console.log it comes from a AJAX request from PHP i'm getting this out put by this

$.ajax({    url:"temps.php",  	dataType: "json",    success:function(data) {   console.log(data);    }

how can i use thi information like this???

$.ajax({    url:"temps.php",  	dataType: "json",    success:function(data) {   		document.getElementById("prob1").innerHTML = data.prob1;    }

Please help cos this dont work lol



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Any errors in the console?


do you have control over the backend? It seems like there's an extra layer of nesting. I would expect a flatter object being returned, something like

{  prop1: 23.375  prop2: 23.5}

do you have a live link to this page anywhere?

Edited by thescientist
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Any errors in the console?


do you have control over the backend? It seems like there's an extra layer of nesting. I would expect a flatter object being returned, something like

{  prop1: 23.375  prop2: 23.5}

it is coming from here

#!/usr/bin/pythonimport sys, json, oslist = os.listdir("/sys/bus/w1/devices/")list.remove("w1_bus_master1")# we can also build lists, first start with an empty oneoutput = []for sensor in list:	# Open the file that we viewed earlier so that python can see what is in it. Replace the serial number as before.	tfile = open("/sys/bus/w1/devices/" + sensor + "/w1_slave")	# Read all of the text in the file.	text = tfile.read()	# Close the file now that the text has been read.	tfile.close()	# Split the text with new lines (n) and select the second line.	secondline = text.split("n")[1]	# Split the line into words, referring to the spaces, and select the 10th word (counting from 0).	temperaturedata = secondline.split(" ")[9]	# The first two characters are "t=", so get rid of those and convert the temperature from a string to a number.	temperature = float(temperaturedata[2:])	# Put the decimal point in the right place and display it.	temperature = temperature / 1000	#print temperature	output.append({ sensor:temperature })# Send it to stdout (to PHP)out = json.dumps(output,separators=(',', ':'))print out

output for this is [{"prob2":23.75},{"prob1":23.625}]

Edited by Craig Hopson
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What you have there is an array with two elements:

Object { prob2=23.5}

Object { prob1=23.375}


So to access the elements you would need to use data[0].prob2 and data[1].prob1

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