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button error


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I'm quite new at html scripting so i'm all sorts of stuff i've made a submit form (http://wduizer.nl/basic_web_development/index2.php)


Now for my problem.. I made a small calculator (http://wduizer.nl/basic_web_development/probeersel/rekenen.php).

When i fill in the numbers and hit a function button with the mouse the form clears and i'll get no answer, but when i'll fill it out and go to a button using tab and enter it works like a charm?!?


Can someone please tell me why?


this is the script i've used for the front form:

<form action="resultaat.php" method="post">
<td>getal 1:</td><td> <input type="tekst" name="getal_1"></td>
<td>bewerking (+-/*)</td><td> <input type="tekst" name="bewerking"></td>
<td>getal 2:</td><td> <input type="tekst" name="getal_2"></td>
<td> <input type="submit"> </td>
and this for the calculation (+):
<body style="background-color:#333399;">
<p style="font-family:arial;color:#999999;font-size:500px;"> <?php echo $_POST["getal1"] + $_POST["getal2"] ; ?></p>
Edited by djoez
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I don't know about your php code, but your HTML code had a lot of errors. Here is the corrected HTML code:

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>	<title>Page Title</title>	<meta charset="UTF-8">	</head><body>	<form action="resultaat.php" method="post">		<table>			<tr>				<td>getal 1:</td><td> <input type="text" name="getal_1"></td>			</tr>			<tr>				<td>bewerking (+-/*)</td><td> <input type="text" name="bewerking"></td>			</tr>			<tr>				<td>getal 2:</td><td> <input type="text" name="getal_2"></td>			</tr>			<tr>				<td colspan="2"> <input type="submit" value="Submit!"> </td>			</tr>		</table>	</form>	</body></html>
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>	<title>Page Title</title>	<meta charset="UTF-8"></head><body style="background-color:#333399;"> <p style="font-family:arial;color:#999999;font-size:500px;"> <?php echo $_POST["getal1"] + $_POST["getal2"] ; ?></p> </body></html>
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in your script it is only possible to add.

What i'm trying to accomplish is to use all possible calculation types at the touch of a button.

In other words, i want to make more than one button with different functions. ( 1st +, 2nd -, 3th * and 4th /)

Edited by djoez
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I wrote this about a year ago. I don't remember if it works or not...

<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Calc</title><style>body {width: 300px;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;}img {border:10px groove gray;}#out0,#out1,#out2,#out3 {text-align: right;}#err {color: red;}button{width: 35px;}#enter {width: 60px;}</style><script>var lastkey = "";window.onload=function(){$("btn1").onclick=fn1;$("btn2").onclick=fn1;$("btn3").onclick=fn1;$("btn4").onclick=fn1;$("btn5").onclick=fn1;$("btn6").onclick=fn1;$("btn7").onclick=fn1;$("btn8").onclick=fn1;$("btn9").onclick=fn1;$("btn0").onclick=fn1;$("dec").onclick=fn1;$("clr").onclick=fnClr;$("cx").onclick=fnCX;$("cy").onclick=fnCX;$("cz").onclick=fnCX;$("ct").onclick=fnCX;$("enter").onclick=fnEnter;$("add").onclick=fnAdd;$("sub").onclick=fnSub;$("mul").onclick=fnMul;$("div").onclick=fnDiv;init();}function fn1(event){if (lastkey!=""){$("out0").value = "";}lastkey="";var elem=event.target;var txt=$("out0").value;$("out0").value = txt + elem.value;}function fnClr(){$("out0").value = "";$("out1").value = "";$("out2").value = "";$("out3").value = "";$("err").innerHTML = "";}function fnCX(event){var elem=event.target;if (elem.value=='CX'){$("out0").value = "";}else if (elem.value=='CY'){$("out1").value = "";}else if (elem.value=='CZ'){$("out2").value = "";}else if (elem.value=='CT'){$("out3").value = "";}$("err").innerHTML = "";}function fnEnter(){lastkey="ent";$("out3").value = $("out2").value;$("out2").value = $("out1").value;$("out1").value = $("out0").value;$("err").innerHTML = "";}function fnAdd(){lastkey="add";$("err").innerHTML = "";try{var x = Number($("out0").value);var y = Number($("out1").value);var z = x + y;}catch(e){$("err").innerHTML = "Error: " + e.message;return;//abort}$("out0").value = z;$("out1").value = $("out2").value;$("out2").value = $("out3").value;$("out3").value = "";}function fnSub(){lastkey="sub";$("err").innerHTML = "";try{var x = Number($("out0").value);var y = Number($("out1").value);var z = y - x;}catch(e){$("err").innerHTML = "Error: " + e.message;return;//abort}$("out0").value = z;$("out1").value = $("out2").value;$("out2").value = $("out3").value;$("out3").value = "";}function fnMul(){lastkey="mul";$("err").innerHTML = "";try{var x = Number($("out0").value);var y = Number($("out1").value);var z = x * y;}catch(e){$("err").innerHTML = "Error: " + e.message;return;//abort}$("out0").value = z;$("out1").value = $("out2").value;$("out2").value = $("out3").value;$("out3").value = "";}function fnDiv(){lastkey="div";$("err").innerHTML = "";try{var x = Number($("out0").value);var y = Number($("out1").value);var z = y/x;}catch(e){$("err").innerHTML = "Error: " + e.message;return;//abort}$("out0").value = z;$("out1").value = $("out2").value;$("out2").value = $("out3").value;$("out3").value = "";}function $(id){return document.getElementById(id);}function init(){$("out").value = "";$("err").innerHTML = "";}</script></head><body><h1>RPN Calculator</h1><img src="http://www.hrsolutionsinc.com/engagementcalculator/calculator.jpg" width="100" alt="Logo"/><br/><br/><input type="text" id="out3"/> <button id="ct" value="CT">CT</button><input type="text" id="out2"/> <button id="cz" value="CZ">CZ</button><input type="text" id="out1"/> <button id="cy" value="CY">CY</button><input type="text" id="out0"/> <button id="cx" value="CX">CX</button><hr/><button id="btn1" value="1">1</button><button id="btn2" value="2">2</button><button id="btn3" value="3">3</button>  <button id="clr">C</button><br/><button id="btn4" value="4">4</button><button id="btn5" value="5">5</button><button id="btn6" value="6">6</button>  <button id="dec" value="."> . </button><br/><button id="btn7" value="7">7</button><button id="btn8" value="8">8</button><button id="btn9" value="9">9</button>  <button id="btn0" value="0">0</button><br/><hr/><button id="add">+</button><button id="sub">-</button><button id="mul">*</button><button id="div">/</button><button id="enter">ENTER</button><br/><br/><div id="err"></div></body></html>
Edited by davej
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the number buttons work. when pressed enter the number witch was putted in is copied to the field above and the + button works. but thats all

o. and the 4 buttons besides the input fields clear the field when pressed

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