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How to get the first value of a SQL records in HTML


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I am new in this..

I try to extract the first digit from sql data. and based on the value of that I would like to change the css class name.

In this HTML scrip Ihave this :

<tr> <td align="right" class="emailTitle"> Severity:</td> <td class="1">


I get the severity and this is like this : 1 - MAJOR, 2 - ALERT....

I can not use the value because of the space in between now I want to use the ferst digit to used as a class name.

How to extract the first digit only in HTML? = (1)

Or only the name without the extra digit the space and "-"?= (MAJOR)

I tried left function like this %Select Left(PRQ.FAULTS.SEVERITY,1)% but this is wrong.


Can someone help?


Thnak you.

Edited by hemin47
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Please post a link to whatever information source is giving you these crazy ideas. HTML is a markup language. There is no such thing as an "HTML script." Accessing a database requires a server-side scripting language.

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