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Java (TM) needs permission to run


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Here is the link to the page with the Java script I need to fix. http://www.webstreamcreator.com/

If you have already answered this for someone else, please let me know where to find it. Or can you please tell me what to do or where to look for my answer? Thank you. Deb

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I think this is what you're referring to:






you refer to java in your topic, but javascript in your post (and you selected the javascript forum). Which one is correct?

Edited by niche
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Because of major security vulnerabilities that Oracle has been slow to correct, Java is not enabled by default in most browsers, you can change that in your browser settings.


If all you want is an interactive program on your site I recommend using HTML 5 canvas, or at least Flash. The age of Java applets on the web ended 10 years ago.

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