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Problems with aligning div's


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Hey, I have been googeling, and trying to achieve this with Div's:

1 2 3 4 5

But instead i get:

1 2

What am I doing wrong?

HTML code (i do have images, but i left out that part of the code)

<div id="navbar">
<div id="work">
<img ...>
<div id="about">
<img ...>
<div id="foto">
<img ...>
<div id="language">
<img ...>
<div id="contact">
<img ...>
CSS code
#navbar {width:100%;
#work {width:15%;
#about {margin-left:15%;
#foto {margin-left:30%;
#language {margin-left:70%;
#contact {margin-left:85%;

Thanks in advance =D


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1) You don't require 100% width on #navbar, by default it will fill the space available to it.

2) I don't know why you have left margin as you have.

3) If number of menu div widths equals 100%, adding borders the width will be 100% + 10 x border width result in the last menu div stacking below the others.

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1) You don't require 100% width on #navbar, by default it will fill the space available to it.

2) I don't know why you have left margin as you have.

3) If number of menu div widths equals 100%, adding borders the width will be 100% + 10 x border width result in the last menu div stacking below the others.



1. Thanks, I have learned something new =3

2. I have removed the margin =3

3. When i try to add a border, and give a % number, it does not show any borders.


Either way, my lessons webdesign started again =D


We will go deeper this half year on positioning elements and DIVs =3



But this forum has realy been a big help in my learning proces =D

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Unfortunately, borders don't accept percent values for their width. You can set the box-sizing property to include borders within the width of the box, but it will break on IE8 and older.

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