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Display inline, block....


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Hi I want to display image with bottom text like it was a icon.Here's my code...

Check post #4 for new version (who still doesn't work...)

If you try it it doesn't work, the div are display as block, but if I take out the block in the img.icon style it's ok for the alignement but not for the text so I take out the inline in the div.icon style now the text is ok (center in the bottom of the icon) but it's not inline anymore .......... It's been about 3 hours I'm on that...I need helpp.s. : Sorry to don't give you a link because it's secure page in a CMS

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So what exactly do you want it to do?if I'm following you, have you tried using the <br /> tag to break the text underneath the image?

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If you try it it doesn't work, the div are display as block, but if I take out the block in the img.icon style it's ok for the alignement but not for the text so I take out the inline in the div.icon style now the text is ok (center in the bottom of the icon) but it's not inline anymore .......... It's been about 3 hours I'm on that...
Instead of having display:block; on the img.icon try it on the div.icon :)
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Instead of having display:block; on the img.icon try it on the div.icon :)

It doesn't work. I was using a table instead of div before it was working but i'm sure there's a way without it (I'm converting all to div to be with the tendency....)here's a link IconHere's the source
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" /> <title>Web Site Manager : test.w-s-m.com</title> <style type="text/css">div.icon1{	width:90px;	height:90px;	margin:0; 	padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;    vertical-align:middle;	text-align:center; 	display:inline-table;	overflow:hidden;}img.icon1{  border: none;  width:48px;  height:48px;  display:block;}</style></head> <body> With div<br /><div class="icon1">	<a href="./icon.html" class="icon">  <img class="icon1" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Nouvelles	</a></div><div class="icon1">	<a href="./icon.html" class="icon">  <img class="icon1" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Foire aux questions	</a></div><br /><style type="text/css">img.icon {  border: none;  width:48px;  height:48px;  display:block;}table.icon{	width:90px;	height:90px;	margin:0; 	padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;	display:inline;	text-align:center; }td.icon{    vertical-align:middle;}</style>With table (what I want)<br /><table class="icon">	<tr><td class="icon">  <a href="./icon.html" class="icon">  	<img class="icon" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Nouvelles  </a>	</td></tr></table><table class="icon">	<tr><td class="icon">  <a href="./icon.html" class="icon">  <img class="icon" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Foire aux questions  </a>	</td></tr></table></body> </html>

Ok I know it's more demanding for you but since I've try everything (that I know of) give me the good style/code to modify not just tell me try this try that because I've probably try it before (except if you're so sure that I'm not losing a other 3 hours on try and error...)Thanks for your help...

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I found a solution...

<style type="text/css">div.icon1{	width:90px;	height:90px;	margin:0; 	padding:6px 6px 6px 6px;	text-align:center;	overflow:hidden;	float:left;}img.icon1{  border: none;  width:48px;  height:48px;  display:block;}</style>

Instead of using display I'm using the float property...Now there's just one thing left, how to verticaly align the content of the div like it was a align on a <td>. For people who will tell me to put vertical-align:middle; it's not good because it's the alignement of the element toward is parent I want the content to be align... It's not that important for the icon but I would like to know because it's not the first time I get this problem...

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I tried the following code and it worked quite well with a resizing window:

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Untitled Document</title><style type="text/css">div.float {float: left}  div.float p {text-align: center}</style></head><body><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div><div class="float">  <img class="block" src="http://onlinegames.web-ideas.net.au/images/icons/Casino.jpg" alt="Casino">  <p>caption 1</p></div></body></html>

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