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Invoking a modal from within a named function... and having it popup properly.


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The project has a number of huge word wall pages where its desirable to tag various persons with a popup with their extended info, several dozen per page.  After I finish my work on the site, I expect less skilled operators to add content at a later time, so I want to automate as much of the process as I can to prevent typos breaking the pages.

There ought to be a way...   There really ought to be a way where I can put this....

<button class='w3-button w3-round [Lookup color from argument 3] [lookup hover-color from argument 3]' onclick="document.getElementById('[argument 1]').style.display='inline'">[argument 2]</span>

into a shortcut function call like....

<script> nameTag(john_doe123, John, A); </script>

Where the output sent to the browser engine is this: 

<button class='w3-button w3-round w3-red w3-hover-blue' onclick="document.getElementById('john_doe123').style.display='inline'">John</span>

There really must be a viable way to not hand code every single instance of those button calls...  How do I do it?   Every method I've devised so far doesn't work.  I feel like the solution is mockingly close too.

  funtion nameTag(a, b, c) {
	//assume code here for taking 'C' above and calculating what colors to use//
	let color1 = "w3-red";
	let color2 = "w3-hover-blue";
	let result = "\"<span class='w3-tag w3-round\"" + color1 + color2 + "' onClick=\"document.getElementById('" + arg1 + "').style.display='inline'\">" + arg2 + "</span>";

Which isn't returning anything.  I've thought myself into a corner and need help.

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Because you have applied the string values, BUT! not doing anything with result, it should refer to a id ref of the element you are targeting and use that to apply new classnames,  click event and styling.

Consider using multi-dimensional array to store grouping of different values.

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Not sure I follow what you mean.    The goal is to make a quick and easy function call to act as a macro to fill in the supplied data...    If I'm going to use a multi-dimensional array I might as well start building the dataset in MySQL or even just XML and hoping those that come after won't muck it up.



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Any of those will do, but as you are calling a js function to apply the stored values i suggested a javascript method of array.





All you have to do is use array index of nameTagArr[0][0],



to get each value in first array listing of values.

And all you have to do is pass index parameter of 0 or 1...


function nameTag(indexRef) { //assume code here for taking 'C' above and calculating what colors to use//

let color1 = nameTagArr[indexRef][3];

let color2 = nameTagArr[indexRef][4];

let result = '<span  class="w3-tag w3-round' + color1 +' '+color2 +'">'+nameTagArr[indexRef][2]+'</span>';

let vTargetelem = document.getElementById(nameTagArr[indexRef][0]);





Not tested, did on mobile.

Edited by dsonesuk
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First off thank you so much.   I did not end up using your method...  But while trying to figure out what you meant lead me down the path to where I rediscovered the php function stripslashes() and that worked as required allowing me to code the replacement in PHP where I have the best programming foundation.

Now when I type

<?php nameTag("john_doe123","John","C"); ?>

it builds the html correctly.

Here is the secret sauce....

function nameTag($id_tag,$alias,$dept_tag) {
    switch ($dept_tag) { //This only sets the correct colors for the button.
        case "B":
            $color1 = " w3-indigo";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-blue";
        case "C":
            $color1 = " w3-dark-grey";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-grey";
        case "DA":
            $color1 = " w3-blue-grey";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-teal";
        case "DR":
            $color1 = " w3-deep-purple";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-purple";
        case "F":
            $color1 = " w3-deep-orange";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-orange";
        case "R":
            $color1 = " w3-green";
            $color2 = " w3-hover-light-green";
        case "W":
            $color1 = " w3-cyan";
            $color2 = " ww3-hover-light-blue";
            $color1 = " w3-black";
            $color2 = " w3-white";
    $r1 = "<span class=\' w3-tag w3-round".$color1.$color2."\' onclick=\"document.getElementById(\'".$id_tag."\').style.display=\'block\'\">".$alias."</span>";
    echo "\n".stripslashes($r1)."\n";


Edited by Sandor
fix typo in code block.
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If you reversed the double quotes to single for HTML text, you wouldn't require that?

$r1 = '<span class=" w3-tag w3-round' . $color1 . $color2 . '" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . $id_tag . '\').style.display=\'block\';">' . $alias . '</span>';

        echo "\n" . $r1 . "\n";

Matches surrounding HTML using double quotes for attributes and less use of slashes. But you still have to use double quotes for newline characters.

Edited by dsonesuk
missed block quotes
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Thank you, I'll get that a try later.  For some reason my mind wants to default to double quotes when ever a sub-element also requires quotation marks and then using single quotes...   I think its something that was instilled in primary school grammar lo those many years ago.

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