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What's wrong with this page?


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Open the page in IE and look at the NavBar. :)
I did. I'm using IE 6.0.2 and Mozilla Firefox 1.0.7Both browsers display the page in the same manner. :)
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That .JS file does the obligatory ad insertion into my web pages. My free web host is currently changing some of that stuff and the Terms of Service forbid me to remove the .JS insertion code.Here's how I see my site in Firefox (and how I want it to look in IE): http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1967/usbsyncersitedu6.pngIsn't there anything you can do to make that happen? I have a feeling that IE handles <TR> backgrounds in a different than FF does. Make that could be part of the solution?

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That .JS file does the obligatory ad insertion into my web pages. My free web host is currently changing some of that stuff and the Terms of Service forbid me to remove the .JS insertion code.Here's how I see my site in Firefox (and how I want it to look in IE): http://img201.imageshack.us/img201/1967/usbsyncersitedu6.pngIsn't there anything you can do to make that happen? I have a feeling that IE handles <TR> backgrounds in a different than FF does. Make that could be part of the solution?
Oh I see. Yeah then it is messed up. In both firefox and IE... sorry.
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That .JS file does the obligatory ad insertion into my web pages. My free web host is currently changing some of that stuff and the Terms of Service forbid me to remove the .JS insertion code.
But no file exists at that location and it's causing an error on your page.I'm not seeing it correctly in Opera either. I've never used a background on a tr, I've used them for tds to do that, but I haven't done much with a tr. Since all of those links are centered though, you don't need 3 cells. In fact, you can just use 1 div to create that entire menu. The background of the div would be the repeating background, and you would manually place the top and bottom images in the div, rather then having them as backgrounds. You can also use CSS instead of javascript to do the mouseover effects on the links.
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