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Someone with Safari

The Praetorian

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I would really appreciate if someone with Safari could take a look at my website. This page specifically. I looked at it on my girlfriends Mac and the menu widths were doing weird things when the expandables were opened.I was just hoping someone with Safari could take a look at it and see if the problem is still there. And if so, help me figure out what's making that happen. Thanks in advance!

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There is a link to a page in someones sig that has a safari testing thing, its on the safari website and it lets you view what websites whould look like in safari. Try going to the homepage (im guessing its off the mac website) and searching for it.

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Well, it's hard for me to say what the page should look like (I assume you've optimized it for IE, but I didn't want to go to the trouble of firing up my PC), but here's a screenshot of how it appears in my Safari 2.0.4, with one of the expandables open (not that it made any difference, actually).In my Firefox the same page looks like this. As you can see, it looks the same, except for the screwed up header heights that appear in Firefox. In both browsers, opening and closing the expandables works just fine and I can't see any glitches.Sadly, this is all I have to offer, as I don't have time for an analysis (and I'm no expert anyway). Maybe drop the tables and go with a CSS layout? The html looks pretty heavy-handed to me at a quick glance.Safari is a very standards-compliant browser, so as long as you code according to the standards, there really should be very little trouble.(Sorry for the big file sizes in the screenshots, I didn't bother to edit them in any way.)(BTW, the screenshots are in my domain's temp folder and will be deleted sooner or later.)

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The Firefox one is exactly how it's supposed to look, actually. (Not sure what you mean about the header heights.)Thanks, though. Now at least I know Safari hates something about my website. If you ( or anyone else ) gets a chance, can you see if that happens with any other pages? Or if it's just the dictionary page... If it's just that page it's possible it might be something I changed about the expanding blocks, or it could be the javascript.Thanks.

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Oops, I didn't notice it before but you're right about the menu widths, they're indeed different. Firefox has consistent menu widths (about 160px) throughout the pages, whereas Safari has really wide menus on the dictionary page and narrower than FF (about 125px) on all the others. So go through all the details where the dictionary differs from the others and you'll find the culprit. My bet is not on the javascript, but then again, what do I know about javascript.

(Not sure what you mean about the header heights.)
Well, in Firefox the vertical space for the header texts is a bit cramped above the text, the tops of the characters almost touch the upper line of the h1/h2 element. In Safari, the space above the characters is the same as below them and the text has room to breathe nicely.Always glad to help another roleplayer - too bad I couldn't help more than this.
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