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html help: FRAMES, targets, and # links


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alright, so i made a webpage in html with two frames. the top which has the graphic banner on it, and a little table of contents right below it. this frame should always be visible.the second frame is the bottom half, which has the chapters of info/text on it. now on the top frame, i want to have a href="#asdfasdf" target="bottomframe" links, so it'll scroll the bottom frame to the right spot/chapter. after i incorporate the a name="#asdfasdf" spots in the bottom frame, it still doesn't work. instead, it just loads the top frame in the bottom frame (so i'm looking at my banner/table of contents twice).any thoughts on how to get this working the way i want it to?many thanks,vj patel

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You need to specify the file name, in addition to the anchor name. If you only specify the anchor name, it thinks you are using the same file that contains the anchor, which is why it loads the top file in the bottom frame. Specify both the file name for the bottom frame, and the anchor name.href="bottomframe.html#name"

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You need to specify the file name, in addition to the anchor name. If you only specify the anchor name, it thinks you are using the same file that contains the anchor, which is why it loads the top file in the bottom frame. Specify both the file name for the bottom frame, and the anchor name.href="bottomframe.html#name"
thank you justsomeguy, you're a real peach! :) fixed my problem
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