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A question about search engines


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Ok, so my sight is searchable - if you type in "Symphony rats" into google, it comes up. But there's something called the Symphony of Rats, so if you type symphony rats into google, without the speech marks, it comes up with all these pages about the Symphony of Rats first, and my website doesn't come close to being up the top of the list.Is there any way that I get my website to come up to the top of the list, without typing the speech marks in :) ?? Is this possible at all?

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No, links in forums don't typically carry much weight I don't think. The higher the ranking in Google of the site with the link, the more it counts for you. So if you get your link on the frontpage of yahoo.com, for example, it will be worth a ton more then if it was on bobsopinions.com or whatever.That's not the only way, but it's the best way. Another way is to keep repeating the phrase in your website text (not in images, Google doesn't read text in images). You should have the phrase "Symphony rats" on each of your pages at least once or twice.

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yeah..good inbound links from relevant sites help your search engine ranking. A good searchable site as well, like justsomeguy says, dont put keywords in images. Search robots only read text. <h1> tags carry more importance than <p> tags.It takes alot of effort and time to get to number 1 on google for the search terms. If you cheat the search engines, then you will get banned from them. Hence it takes time and alot of effort, but its worth it in the end when you see more and more visitors to your site.:)

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I'm not sure if the obvious is so obvious but I'll point it out since it hasn;t been mentioned. The word "of" is ignored by search engines, just as "the" and "and" and other prepositions or conjunctions like that unless they are used by themselves or in quotation marks.The significants in this is to point out that you are in direct keyword competition with "Symphony of Rats" or "The Symphony Rats" or any similar keyword combination.I know that part is obvious but I point that out after making my first statement to bring your focus to the words "symphony" and "rats" alone. One advantage you have is that your words are contiguous and not interrupted by the word "of" - this will help you in your search engine placement.So, solutions . . . my first recommendation is sort of a cheesy way (haha get the pun) to advance your rankings. On your homepage, get more text that uses your keywords (don't over use them). But also, experiment with a statement like:"... its almost like a symphony of rats at my house..." use the keywords that you are competing with in your text to piggy back their success.Second, referral links are nice if they come from legitimate sources - link exchanges often hurt your ranking just as the over use of keywords does.Use, at least, <h1>(one per page) and <h2>(as many as you like) tags in your site to identify content blocks - search engines like them. Try to work your key words into the heading tags you use. Your homepage is a perfect example - you have this:

<center><font size="4" face="Verdana"><b>Symphony Rats</b></font></center>

when you could have this:

<h1>Symphony Rats</h1>

Less code, same effect (especially if a style is assigned) and search engines love it.Your <title> tag should have more information in it too. Plus, PLEASE, never say your site is under construction - every website is ALWAYS under construction or there would be no reason to come back. That phrase just screams out - "I'm impatient and threw this up for the time being, I'' get to other parts eventually..." If you are not ready to launch a page, section, or bit on text, then don't launch it and don't launch the space for it - thinking in advance and implementing it will look better. Think about it like this...would you like to get an invitation in the mail to get free dinner at Joe's Diner only to show up and see that its "under construction"? Whatever is supposed to fill in the "under construction" area can always be introduced later as a "new section" or "new area" of a website - showing your growth.Anyway, I hope this helps out some. The most important thing is to get relevant referrals - search engines are like word of mouth advertising - the more your site is discussed and mentioned, the more it will be relevent to a search engine.

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Thanks for the help, I will change my headings :)And I know I shouldn't put the under construction bit, but it's actually because at the moment I don't have any girls :) I know I should just be honest and say it :) I'll change it!!!

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  • 2 months later...

Having updated a lot of my site etc. Still not coming up with my site anywhere near the top lol! :) *reminds self to get to know more people with websites to get links up* Now when I type "Symphony Rats" into google, it comes up with my menu frame :) rather than my homepage... what am I doing wrong? :)

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You're not doing anything wrong. Except perhaps using frames. Are you using frames in this manner:

<frameset>blah blah blah</frameset>

If so, I suggest you look into CSS. CSS can give you a frame / iframe layout without actually using frames. It takes a little more work to maintain, but if you also have PHP or ASP at your disposal, it can be very rewarding.Search engines like Google pick up both your menu page and your main page, but it won't link the two and the two may even have separate rankings. If you want (crude) examples of HTML frames vs. CSS, take a look at my pages below:Uses HTML Frames: http://dhost.info/aquatsr/uranium/v1/ (sorry about the ads)Uses CSS to simulate frames: http://dhost.info/aquatsr/uranium/If you want more info on using CSS to simulate frames (AFTER looking at my code) then feel free to PM me.

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