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Starting A Website


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ever read 'Alice in Wonderland'?"Begin at the beginning and when you get to the end, stop."I'd start by creating the html Template for the Index page layout and then break it down into components that could be 'included', but that just my approach. Others may have some ideas, too.

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"Begin at the beginning and when you get to the end, stop."
Nice quote!I generally start by mapping out the entire site on paper - trying to get as much of the requirements spec'd out before I write a single line of code. Then, looking at the map, I start on the section(s) which has the least amount of dependencies. For example, if I'm making a site which requires users to log into an account in order to use the site, just about every page will depend on that user account. So, I would start by making the create/edit user forms and a login page before I move on to pages that require the user to be logged in.
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So, I would start by making the create/edit user forms and a login page before I move on to pages that require the user to be logged in.
awesome point. i'm learning how important it is to build in the proper order the hard way right now...love,jason
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I do something pretty similar. I usually start with a database design. Once you have a database design, your application is essentially just a series of pages that either write to the database, read from it, or both. It's just input/output at that point. I start with a config file, and define things I will need across all my pages, like URLs or database info or whatever, and then start on the pages to add/remove info in the database. Users and user accounts is generally the first place I start, once I can create a user acccount then I can log in, and then I just sort of go from there.

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I would start with the Template as said above then code it into PHP...but do it in bits allways start with the INDEX header down..headerleft center rightfooter when you have done all that start adding pages :> :):)

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