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Building PHP login Function


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Hey,Need a function that you can log in with, preferably php. Like when you Sign up it is automatic and saves your info to a mysql db, preferably a shared MySQL that can be used with a PHPbb forum so you don't have to Sign up for access and then sign up for forum access. Hope any of that made sense.-Matt :)

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hey, Glad it made sense. Umm...do you think maybe you could link me to that certain file. I've been looking but couldn't find it... Thanz for you help though, there are some other stuff I am interested in from that site also.

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Here is exactly what I need/want. When you click the link to get to the user only section. you must be logged in to view the member only section, So, when you click to get to the user only section, it takes you to a login page. When you login you will be logged in on the whole user only section, which includes chat, forums, and other stuff. I need it shared Mysql database but don't know how to do that. I am on a short deadline to get this up. December 1st is when I have to get this section done. Please help me

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Just make a form on one page and the action for the form goes to the login page for the phpbb forum. So.. Just go to the forums login page, right click and hit view source (firefox, view->source in IE). Find the html code for the form and copy it. Then you just paste it on to your own custom login page!

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To check if a person is logged in, check in the session. You will want to do some researching on sessions, but you will want to store a username/password in the session and check it on every other page. If it is not there or is invalid, then you kick them back to the login page.http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.phpIf you are integrating multiple products, like a third-party forum and other third-party software, you will need to look at the login routines for those pieces of software and make sure that the login that you make does the same thing.

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To check if a person is logged in, check in the session. You will want to do some researching on sessions, but you will want to store a username/password in the session and check it on every other page. If it is not there or is invalid, then you kick them back to the login page.http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.phpIf you are integrating multiple products, like a third-party forum and other third-party software, you will need to look at the login routines for those pieces of software and make sure that the login that you make does the same thing.
Do you think you could give me a code onto how to kick a user to the login page if they don't have a session, also could you help me make a seesion, im pretty mucha n00b with php.
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