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why does w3schools.com use tables for layout?


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why does the w3schools.com site use an archaic table-based layout. when the W3C clearly states that css is to be used for layout

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  • 1 month later...

I think tables are like harder, lol...I made my Web sites in tables, for like 1 year and a half, and 4 months ago I started with divs, and I would say I'm already better with them :) And tables (td) is for tabular data.

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I've never seen an application, and am not aware of the existence of one I haven't seen, that uses the semantic meaning of a table as "tabular data" to present the data in any other way other then how the designer meant it to. Accountants and stock brokers might use tables and spreadsheets to organize their data, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it would be wrong for a web designer to use a table structure to display a 3x3 grid of images that form a larger picture.

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Yes css is the recommended way but tables are easier to make consistant across all browsers.I use CSS layouts when ever possible but there are still times when tables are needed. Sometimes using a table is better than the nasty hacks you would have to deploy to make your CSS cross browser.

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I suppose untill we see css properly supported by all the browsers many will still use tables. I myself am working on a liquid layout using divs at the moment and there is no problems with it in firefox but getting it working in IE has been a bit of a nightmare

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  • 2 months later...

Your right in that 'div' is more flexible, but tebles can be manipulated inside the body section, so will work with just about any browsers.I have seen a website useing 'divs' were all order is lost i Firefox, but IE manipulates the CSS to resized the 'divs'. So it is problable becasue more and more people are using different browsers to each other, thus having allternat views off the site.Alos, I don't belive CSS has an alternative to the 'rowspan' statment, which I've found very helpfull in tool-menus. 'Justsomeguy' is right. It is all about opinion, browser and what exactly you need doing.Thanks For Reading!

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